Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version:v358.17
v358.17 - 09/29/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated : Recharge Mode Engaged : Sleep well, Survivors, Nighty Night x :
v358.11 - 08/14/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v358.10 - 08/01/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed whitelisting on unofficials not working properly
- Fixed multiple crashes
v358.9 - 07/11/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v358.8 - 07/05/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v358.7 - 06/29/2023 - Minor version for servers and clients
- Fixed an exploit
- Adjusted rhynio speed
- Added new sfx for rhynio
v358.6 - 06/07/2023 - Minor version for servers and clients
- Dismounting a Rhyniognatha will now remember your previous camera view instead of always going to TPV
- Added additional locations on the Rhyniognatha that enemy turrets can aim for when carrying a character
- Rhyniognatha's Resin Bomb direct hits now correctly deal their intended damage of 300
- Reduced Rhyniognatha's Health Scaling by approximately 30%
- Adjusted the scaling of some UI elements to prevent them getting cut off at larger resolutions
v358.5 - 06/03/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Structures carried by Rhyniognatha are destroyed when cryopodded
- Rhyniognatha's Pheromone now correctly only drops from Male Rhyniognatha
v358.3 - 06/02/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Rhyniognatha has landed on ARK! Discover Rhyniognatha, a super-sized creature with a set of unique abilities. From producing quick-hardening resin to carrying large objects, these versatile creatures provide an enhancement to your tribe's defenses.
v357.20 - 05/31/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Added a command line unofficial admins can opt to add to protect against the creature upload issue. This can be done by adding -SecureSendArKPayload to the cmd line. Please be aware this may have an impact on some mods.
v357.18 - 05/04/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed server listing displaying incorrect user count
- Fixed multiple exploits
v357.17 - 05/04/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v357.15 - 04/26/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v357.14 - 04/14/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed a crash
v357.13 - 04/12/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple crashes
v357.12 - 04/07/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Re-added PAX color event
v357.9 - 03/31/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue transferring all when not at close distance
- Fixed an issue sitting in the Genesis fishing mission
- Fixed an exploit
v357.5 - 03/24/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Added a 24 hour cooldown on tribe merges on official servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v357.4 - 03/06/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a crash
v357.3 - 03/02/2023 - Major version for servers and clients
- She Who Waits Explorer Note Voiceovers
- Fixed poop not going into player hotbars when handcuffed
- Fix for the exosuit or other characters getting stuck when transitioning between RTS Mode
- Fixes for characters getting stuck when transitioning between different controlled characters using the noglin
- Increase tribe message replication length limit from 200 to 300
- Spectators in admin mode can now see all local chat
v356.12 - 02/20/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed a crash
- Fixed an exploit
v356.11 - 02/10/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Dynamic config colorsets
- Set event colorset from dynamic config using:
- ActiveEventColors=<name, e.g. "FearEvolved">
- Additional option added "custom" allows for a custom colorset to be set up directly from dynamic config.
- If using ActiveEventColors=custom then the colorset can be defined with:
- DynamicColorset=<comma-separated list of color names>
- e.g DynamicColorset=Red,Magenta,DeepPink,Lavender
- The color names must be -exact- accounting for special characters and spaces. "DynamicColorset" will only be used if using ActiveEventColors=custom
- DynamicColorset=<comma-separated list of color names>
- Updated Vday colorset
- DarkLavender,DarkMagenta,Dino Dark Purple,Dino Light Red,DeepPink,Dark Red,LemonLime,Red,ActualBlack
- Set event colorset from dynamic config using:
- Fixed a couple issues with tek teleporters not functioning after coming into contact with water
- Fixed a crash
v356.9 - 02/07/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue joining prim+ servers
v356.8 - 02/06/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit that affected the player counts on Official Servers
v356.5 - 01/31/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v355.14 - 01/26/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Improvements to chat filter behavior
- The servers can now hot-reload chat filter lists by using ChatFilterVersion=
. The value only needs to change to trigger the lists to be redownloaded
v356.3 (356.1 client) - 01/23/2023 - Major version for servers and clients
- Offensive Text Filter - Added an offensive text filter that we will continue to update in order to address attempts at bypassing the filter. Our system scans for the usage of numbers and other ways to replace words quite effectively and we expect to make this more robust as we move forward
- GameUserSettings.ini [ServerSettings] bFilterTribeNames=True // Filters out tribe names based on the badwords/goodwords list.
- bFilterCharacterNames=True // Filters out character names based on the bad words/good words list.
- bFilterChat=true // Filters out character names based on the bad word/good words list
- BadWordListURL="URL GOES HERE" // for hosting your own bad words list BadWordWhiteListURL="URLGOESHERE" // for hosting your own good words list
- Disabled unintended client-side visual configs
- Fix the mouse cursor lock experienced when trying to access a structure that you do not have rank permissions for in RTS mode
- Fixed being able to select Access inventory from radial wheel on controller
- perf adjustment: Rate limit world buff ticks
- Adjust transfer all cooldown to 2 seconds
- Fixed a crash
- Fixed multiple exploits
v355.16 - 01/18/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Carcha will now drop gigant hearts
- Fixed multiple exploits
v355.14 - 01/11/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Exo mek structure pickup now respects tribe permissions
v355.13 - 01/10/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed the Random Chibi Engram in the Refining Forge not saving on server restart
v355.12 - 01/03/2023 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v355.9 - 12/23/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v355.7 - 12/23/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue with ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems being non-operational on unofficial servers
v355.6(355.5 client) - 12/21/2022 - Minor version for servers and clients
- The recently added Helena and Rockwell explorer note voiceovers are now louder and should respect the NPC volume setting
- Recently added creature dossiers should now fully unlock properly
- New years can be set by unofficials earlier to account for all time zones.
- The earliest value that can be set is 1672480800
- Fixed several exploits
v355.4(client) - 12/16/2022 - Minor version for clients
- Fixed dinos teleporting to the incorrect location after SE boss fight in Single Player (Teleport location: -302537 -44644 53371)
v355.3 - 12/14/2022 - Major version for servers and clients
- Winter Wonderland 6 is live! This event can be manually activated with the server arg parameter: -ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland
- Added Scorched Earth ascension
- Added prologues and epilogues to all story maps
- Added Helena and Rockwell Explorer Note VO
- Added Aberration Rockwell boss VO
- Added launch config ?EventColorsChanceOverride=<num> (Takes a value between 0 and 1. 1 = 100% chance for color override)
- Fixed an exploit
- Support for ARK on Stadia has been terminated
v354.6 - 12/05/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v354.4 - 11/22/2022 - Major version for servers and clients
- Turkey Trial 6 is live!This event can be manually activated with the server arg parameter: -ActiveEvent=TurkeyTrial
- Smelting chibis requires the placement of a new refining forge
- Crafting new chibis requires the placement of a new cooking pot
- Wishbones are no longer able to be transferred. Attempting to transfer wishbones will result in them being deleted
- Fixed Carcha losing taming affinity on SP restart
- Added FearEvovled cosmetics to Hexagon Exchange
- Added purchasable random chibis at higher tiers in Hexagon Exchange
- Fixed an exploit
v353.1 (353.2 client) - 11/10/2022 - Minor version for clients
- Fixed Carcha disappearing on Genesis
- Fixed a crash
v353.1 - 11/09/2022 - Major version for servers and clients
- Fixed a crash
- Fixed decompose timer on fertilized Carcha eggs
- Fixed Carcha taxidermy poses
v352.6 - 11/06/2022 - Major version for servers
- Added the Carcharodontosaurus to the game!
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Added icons to Fjordhawk death bag retrieval cooldown
v351.6 - 10/20/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Changed scarecrows, pumpkins, gravestones to now give players a random amount between 1 and 10 (previously was between 1 and 5)
- Fixed Fjordhawk Death Inventory cooldown timer not calculating correctly when transferring servers
- Updated Fjordhawk Death Inventory string to correctly display "Death Inventory"
- Applied a one-time cooldown reset for the Fjordhawk Death Inventory Cooldown
v351.5 - 10/19/2022 - Major version for servers
- The Fear Evolved Event event will run from October 19th 1PM Pacific to November 2nd 1PM Pacific. See this thread for details: Unofficial server owners can activate the event by adding -ActiveEvent=FearEvolved to the launch arguments
- Fjordhawk balance pass
- Reduction to Fjordhawk flight speed when picking up death lootbags
- Increase time before hawk becomes invisible to 20 seconds
- One hour cooldown added on retrieval of player's inventory when killed. This can be overridden with launch argument - -MinimumTimeBetweenInventoryRetrieval=<TimeInSeconds>
- Reduced base health and health per level gained on the Fjordhawk by approximately 40%
- Added 2x damage multiplier from guns and projectiles
- Visual improvements will be added in the next major version for client display of the cooldown time
- Fixed multiple crashes
- Fixed several Exploits
v350.5(350.4 client) - 10/05/2022 - Major version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v349.28 - 09/23/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Iterated on an invulnerability exploit
v349.27 - 09/21/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed a crash
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed an issue that would cause unofficial servers to crash when using certain mods. The affected mods should work now and unofficials can opt-in to the more secure item/dino spawning rules by adding
to the server launch arguments. Using this launch argument may render certain mods non-functioning!!!
v349.25 - 09/19/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v349.22 - 09/07/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Further iteration on authentication exploit
v349.19 - 09/07/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Further iteration on authentication exploit
v349.16 - 09/06/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Further iteration on an authentication exploit
- Fixed a crash when using RCON
v349.14 - 09/06/2022 - Minor version for clients
- Updated client save version to match servers
v349.13 - 09/03/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Iterated on an authentication exploit
v349.10 - 09/02/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a connection issue
- Iterated on an authentication exploit
- New server launch argument: -imprintlimit=100 (this caps imprints at 100%); though we recommend going 1% higher to catch floating point errors especially when working with custom imprinting rates! Note, any creature exceeding this cap will be destroyed.
v349.8 - 09/02/2022 - Minor version for servers
- PAX Party is now active with a burst of colors, 3X Taming, Harvesting, XP, Hexagons, and Breeding! You can enable the special colours with ActiveEvent=PAX
- Iterated on an authenticationexploit
- Fixed a god mode exploit
v349.5 - 08/31/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue related to server capping on Official servers
v349.3 - 08/31/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a crash
v349.2 - 08/24/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v349.1 - 08/24/2022 - Major version
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed some map issues on Fjordur
- Fixed issue with getting dismounted from Space Dolphin randomly
- Fixed a server crash with saves over 4gb
- Fixed Basilisk not being able to tame in Simplified Chinese
- Added server config to disable creating folders in Tribute Inventories. (Now disabled on Official servers)
-DisableCustomFoldersInTributeInventories - Added server config to temporarily disable the Tek Railgun on PVP servers. (Now disabled on Official PVP servers)
v348.10 - 08/16/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a crash
v348.7 - 08/03/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Mutagen spawns no longer save on server restart
- Disabled spawning on canoes while we investigate a related crash
v348.6 - 07/29/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed a crash
v348.5 - 07/26/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a crash
v348.4 - 07/21/2022 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v348.2 (348.3 client)-07/18/2022 - Minor version for clients
- Fixed a stall relating to Stryder
- Fixed switching ammo type on TEK bow
- Fixed accessing map marker UI with a controller
v348.2 (348.1 client)-07/15/2022 - Major version for servers and clients
- Fjordur map fixes including: auto TP zone, oil vein node fixes, lava damage volume, kill volume, wild spawn fixes, water volume in poison wyvern trench, fixes to trees to allow harvesting, fixed holes
- Added further wild creature spawns to Asgard biome on Fjordur
- Decreased alpha dino spawns on Fjordur
- Increased runestone reward droprate by 40%.
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed polar bear crash
- Fixed a bug related to player character becoming encumbered whilst fast travelling with Fjordhawk
- Fixed Fjordhawk not returning to player when leashed
- Fixed realm teleporting after boss fight on Fjordur
- Fixed reloading while mounted with shoulder pet equipped
- Redistributed element shard/black pearl nodes on Fjordur. This includes a 70% nerf to the amount of nodes in the Throat of Flames and redistribution of those to the following areas:
Element Shards added to:
- Fire Wyvern Trench
- Molten Caverns
- Mount Doom Caverns
- Balheimr
Black Pearls added to:
- Poison Wyvern Trench
- Lightning Wyvern Trench
v347.1- 06/30/2022 - Major version for servers and clients
- Biome Teleport is now enabled by default in Single Player
- Multiple map fixes for Fjordur
- Fixed an issue that caused the XP bar to display incorrectly
v346.30 - 06/28/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v346.16 - 06/23/2022- Minor version for servers and clients
- Fixed Fjordhawk not eating tamed corpses on PvE
- Fixed cases where Desmodus would gain too much movement speed
- Desmodus speed can now be leveled up with -AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling
- Fixed an issue where minibosses would sometimes not drop a relic
v346.14 - 06/21/2022- Minor version for servers and clients
- Added element reward to mini-bosses on fjordur
- Added other map learnable engrams to Fjordur (now matches Lost Island)
- Fixed several map issues on Fjordur
- Fixed gamepad issues while mounted
- Fixed Desmodus issues while using Simplified Chinese
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a crash
v346.12 - 06/13/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed a cooldown on defecation
- Server administrators can enable and disable the Fjordur biome teleport in GameUserSettings.ini, under [ServerSettings] with the server config option:
v346.11 - 06/12/2022- Major version for servers and clients
- Fjordur is Live! Explore a cold and hostile Norse-inspired archipelago in our newest official community map, featuring four new creatures for you to collect!
- To address an unintended change, the turret exclusion list option is now applicable to wild dinos only
- The TEK Helmet multi-use wheel is now accessible while mounted
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lost Island Artifact of the Massive/Devious respawn incorrectly
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed multiple map holes
v345.39 - 06/03/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue with event creature colors not spawning
v345.38 - 06/02/2022- Minor version for servers
- Happy 7 years of ARK! We are so grateful for our amazing community and all of your support. Looking forward to what the coming years hold in store! Help us celebrate with a hand-picked rainbow-colored event featuring a bunch of colors loved by you & 2x all rates! Ends Mon. Use the server parameter -activeevent=ark7th to begin the event
- Fixed an exploit
v345.37 - 05/25/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v345.35 - 05/19/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue with shotguns not causing damage
- Fixed an exploit
v345.33 - 05/18/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits with the TEK Railgun
v345.31 - 05/16/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed a crash with the TEK Railgun
- Reenabled the TEK Railgun's ability to shoot through geo/meshes on Official PvP
- Fixed an exploit with the TEK Railgun
- Fixed a bug with the TEK Railgun's range
v345.28 - 05/16/2022- Minor version for servers
- Further iteration on the TEK Railgun (see previous patch note)
v345.25 - 05/13/2022- Minor version for servers
- Temporarily disabled the TEK Railgun's ability to shoot through geo/meshes on Official PvP whilst we investigate exploits related to the gun. Unofficials can enable using -PVPDisablePenetratingHits
v345.23- 05/04/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented Space Dolphin lasers from causing damage in specific missions
v345.22- 04/29/2022- Minor version for servers
Astrodelphis Balance Pass
- Roll damage to players and tames reduced by 20%
- Laser damage to players reduced by 20%
- Increased EMP/Chaff radius by 33%
- Reduced EMP/Chaff cooldown from 5 to 4 seconds
- Prevented laser damage scaling versus structures
- Lasers no longer damage turrets
- Turning on saddle/Starfighter mode now requires saddle engram
- Fixed various exploits
v345.19 - 04/15/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed the missing Eggcellent Adventure event wild creature colors (59, 67, 68, 76 ,84, 94, 95 & 100)
v345.18 - 04/14/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v345.17 - 04/13/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v345.16 - 04/13/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v345.6 - 04/10/2022- Major version for clients and servers
- Eggcellent Adventure returns until April 25th! Follow the trails of wild Bunny Dodo's and Bunny Oviraptor's to gather Bunny Eggs for special event loot. Use the server parameter -ActiveEvent=Easter to begin the event.
- For the duration of Egccellent Adventure, we will be disabling the world buffs from Baby Boon & Maewing Poach on Genesis Part 2 on the Official Network. In the past, we've adjusted for the impact events have had on the rates by tweaking the bonuses that we use during the holidays, however, those tweaks lead to unfavorable circumstances on maps that aren't Genesis Part 2, so going forward during breeding events, we'll be disabling these mission buffs specifically as not to affect the bonuses on other maps.
v344.26 - 04/10/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v344.21 - 04/08/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
v344.12 - 04/07/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Refactored the way creatures consume food upon exiting stasis resulting in a significant performance optimization
v344.8 - 03/10/2022- Minor version for clients and servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a crash
v344.3 - 03/03/2022- Major version for clients and servers
- We know you folks enjoy your event cosmetics so as we enter into our last year of events on ARK 1, we will be adding the associated cosmetics to the Hexagon Store once each event ends. Speaking of - we've added the Love Evolved cosmetics to Hex store with today's patch!
All of the event content will be added to the PC game at the end of the year's cycle of events so they can be opted into for our PC unofficial server owners and players. Our console players will be able to grab all event cosmetics from the Hex store! - Over 70 fixes related to mesh holes and foliage across all maps
- Fixed an issue where King Dinopithecus trophies disappeared on session restart
- Disabled various boss trophies from being able to be transferred to prevent them from disappearing
- Fixed a bug with fishing from a canoe
- Fixed an exploit
v343.19 - 02/24/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an overspawn on Lost Island
v343.17 - 02/21/2022- Minor version for clients
- Fixed fishing mission on Genesis 1
- Fixed a bug when fishing from the canoe
v343.17 - 02/18/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed fishing mission on Genesis 1
v343.12 - 02/10/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed several exploits
v343.11 - 02/09/2022- Minor version for clients
- Fixed a crash related to opening remote inventories with hoversails inside of them
v343.7- 02/09/2022- Major version for servers and clients
- Love is in the air! Love Evolved is live from Feb 9th to Feb 16th! Use the server parameter -ActiveEvent=vday to begin the event.
- For the duration of Love Evolved, we will be disabling the world buffs from Baby Boon & Maewing Poach on Genesis Part 2 on the Official Network. In the past, we've adjusted for the impact event have had on the rates by tweaking the bonuses that we use during the holidays, however, those tweaks lead to unfavorable circumstances on maps that aren't Genesis Part 2, so going forward during breeding events, we'll be disabling these mission buffs specifically as not to affect the bonuses on other maps.
- Player will no longer punch when cycling through snap points on Xbox while using RB
- Dinopithecus will no longer drop its follow target when it has an attacking target
- Additional players will no longer be deleted when riding a Mega MEK
- Wild Noglins can now be targeted by Plant X
- Turret mode is now disabled after a Parasaur dies
- Fixed an issue where adjusting DinoCountMultiplier on an unofficial server prevents quetz, spino and tuso spawning
- The egg incubator gestation monitoring buff will now correctly display the embryo stats of Unicorns
- The egg incubator HUD will now show when trying to check Megaloceros stats
- Element reward has been increased on King Dinopithecus by 33%
- Tek Shoulder Cannon will now turn back on after dismounting an Exosuit
- Fixed an issue with the mammoth drum buff
- Fixed several map holes on Lost Island
- Fixed floating foliage on Lost Island
- Fixed an overspawning issue in Lost Island cave
- Fixed an issue that required players to install The Center DLC to play on Ragnarok
- Added "exact match" parameter to some cheats: cheat DestroyAll "classname" 1
- Fixed multiple exploits
Current Version: v342.22- 01/27/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v342.20- 01/27/2022- Minor version for servers
- Performance adjustments for Lost Island
- Fix for server crash
v342.17- 01/24/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v342.16- 01/19/2022- Minor version for clients
- Fixed an issue that prevented completion of the Star Dolphin mission
- Fixed SInomacrops losing taming progress if food drops below 50%
- Sinomacrops will no longer eat kibble
v342.15- 01/13/2022- Minor version for servers
- Server-side foliage optimization for Lost Island
v342.13 - 01/12/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented completion of the Star Dolphin mission
- Fixed SInomacrops losing taming progress if food drops below 50%
- Sinomacrops will no longer eat kibble
v342.9 - 01/10/2022- Minor version for servers
- Fixed several exploits
v342.2- 01/05/2022- Major version for servers and clients
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some holes in lost island
- Fixed some crashes
- Addressed some overspawning issues on Lost Island
- Can no longer place dermis of creatures in taxidermy/training dummy if that creature is not transferrable to a given map
- Fix loot crate spawns of Massive/Devious artifacts
- Fix for fertilized voidwyvern eggs not decaying
- Reduced fog while underwater
- Fixed some clutter & foliage
- Adjustments & fixes to Amargasaurus
- Fixes to Sinomacrops
- Adjusted respawn map and global LAT/LON coords to be more accurate on Lost Island
- Fixed large beaver dams being invisible for some clients on Lost Island
- Fixed an issue where some dinos were marked as not tameable in caves on Lost Island
Current Version: v341.59 - 12/30/2021 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v341.56 - 12/23/2021 - Minor version for servers
- Fixed a creature overspawn issue
- Enabled New Year event
- Fixed an exploit
'Happy New Year!' event is now enabled on Official Servers. The event is set to go off at approximately Midnight EST and Noon EST on the 1st of January 2022. Servers running the event will be bombarded with raining gifts in a hail of fireworks to mark the end of 2021. These gifts will contain a collection of your favourite skins from past events that are currently unavailable and a chibi bonanza! And by bonanza, we mean, the drop rate of Rare, Very Rare and Legendary chibis will be dialled to over 9000!
Unofficial Servers can enable the event with the following commandline param: -NewYearEvent
To modify the times, the following commandline parameters can also be used:
You can use to get your appropriate timestamp. Please keep in mind that this event cannot be run before Midnight EST on the 1st of January 2021, so if you wish to change your time it would have to be set after that.
Some additional notes:
This event can only be run ONCE on a savefile (with 2 triggers).
If a server is set to run the event at a time already passed, then on load the server will immediately trigger the gifts.
If a custom time isn't set, then the event will run default at Midnight EST on the 1st and again at Noon.
v341.33 | 341.36 (client) - 12/16/2021 - Minor version update for clients and servers
- Fixed several exploits
- Various map fixes for Lost Island
- Sinomacrops can now be transferred to Aberration
v341.31 - 12/16/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed various mesh holes on Lost Island
- Dinopithecus now has faster and sticky grenades
- Disabled flyers and jetpack in boss arena
- Level weight has been adjusted on Lost Island so that it'll be more likely to find higher level creatures
v341.30 - 12/15/2021 - Minor version update for clients and servers
- Fixed a bug which the Loadout Dummy, Taxidermy, and Training Dummy where the dermis was being destroyed, which in turn also destroyed anything that was equipped to the dermis. We'll be rolling back Official PC servers to right before the .28 deployment to restore any player data that was lost due to this bug.
v341.28 - 12/15/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Improved mesh detection in the Lost Island desert
- Magmasaur's can now be raised with sulfur
- Improved Amargasaurus AI
- Fixed volcano ground clutter issues
- Improved Dinopithecus melee attacks
v340.19- 12/14/2021 - Major version update for clients and servers
- Free DLC 'Lost Island' is now available! Introducing a new map with over 150 sq km playable area, and 3 new creatures; the Amargasaurus, Dinopithecus, and Sinomacrops!
- Winter Wonderland will be making a triumphant return with new presents and goodies for ARK survivors. Use the server parameter -ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland to begin the event.
- For the duration of Winter Wonderland, we have disabled the world buffs from the Genesis Part 2 Missions on the Official Network: Baby Boon & Maewing Poach. In the past, we've adjusted for the impact this event has had on the rates by tweaking the bonuses that we use during the holidays, however those tweaks lead to unfavourable circumstances on maps that aren't Genesis Part 2, so going forward during breeding events, we'll be disabling these mission buffs specifically as not to affect the bonuses on other maps.
- QOL: New TEK Egg Incubator Buff 'Gestation Monitoring' - activating this buff grants your character the ability to view the embyro's stats of gestating creatures or reset the creature's gestation.
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some server and crashes
- Fixed a bug where the TEK Bow would fire inconsistently
v340.12 - 11/29/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v340.10 - 11/29/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented Exo-Mek from being deployed
v340.8 - 11/29/2021 - Minor version update for servers and clients
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to complete the "Survive The ARK" mission
- Fixed an issue for non-dedicated servers that prevented players from joining when using a DLC map
v340.3 - 11/23/2021 - Major version
- Turkey Trial 5 begins! See below for the event details
- Fixed several exploits
v339.40 - 11/18/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v339.34 - 11/12/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed several exploits
v339.28 - 11/9/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed an exploit
v339.20 - 11/4/2021 - Minor version update for servers
- Fixed a serious exploit related to 3rd party software
- Fixed an exploit
- Reduced AmountMaxGainedPerLevelUpValue on Tapejara from 0.2 to 0.17. This will essentially result in a 15% reduction in overall HP.
v339.14 - 10/29/2021
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc on Crystal isles
- Fixed Rockdrakes so they can now be neutered and spayed
- Temporarily removed Hexagons from Genesis 1 glitches whilst we work through a related exploit
v339.7 - 10/26/2021
- Prevented the Dodorex/Dodowyvern from being mindcontrolled by theNoglin
v339.5 - 10/26/2021
- Fear Evolved 5 is now live
- Fixed some exploits
v338.41 - 10/21/2021
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a bug where the player and Stego were immune to being netted
v338.35 - 10/20/2021
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Increased Astrodelphis Missile/Homing Missile cooldown to 1 second. Does not affect the Mission variant.
v338.31 - 10/18/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v338.30 - 10/16/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v338.29- 10/15/2021
- Mana breath damage to players reduced by 20%
- Turret health buff has now been updated and will no longer require the replacing of turrets to take effect
- Fixed an exploit
v338.23- 10/15/2021
Blood Stalker
- Reduced piercing damage from 85% to 65%.
- Players grappled now get a 20 second immunity buff from being webbed by the Bloodstalker again
- No longer unequips player’s melee weapon when webbed
- Reduced Wyvern HP gained per level by approximately 20%
- Reduced armour penetration on Lightning Wyvern beam attack by approx 20%
- Buffed Fire Wyvern right-click attack by approx 30%
- Prevented Void Wyvern from performing a right-click attack unless mounted by a rider
- Adjusted Wyvern base drag weight to match Crystal Wyverns so that they behave similarly against items that take this into consideration, such as the Net Ammo. (Therefore Fire, Lightning, and Poison Wyverns can now be netted).
- Now targetable by Plant X
- Takes reduced damage from Plant X when attached to a player
Net Ammo
- Increased durability usage on Harpoon Gun for net ammo specifically. Cost per net fired increased by approx 250%
- Increased weight of weight ammo from 0.2 to 2.0
- Prevented being dismounted from creature when you are buffed by the Mammoth
- Mammoth war drummer now gets 40% damage mitigation whilst drumming
- Reduced the range the stun attack can target horizontally by 20%
- Increased the holding space bar jump distance by 20%
- Reduced how many targets the Shadowmane can chain stun when right-click is held to 7 targets from 15 targets
- Increased cooldown of teleport attack from 4.5 seconds to 15 seconds and each target added increases the cooldown by 2 seconds rather than 1 second - Increased the length of the immunity buff after a player has been stunned by the Shadowmane from 30 seconds to 50 seconds.
- Reduced passive creature armour from 124 to 80 and reduces its armour gained per level by 35%
Global Stun Immunity Buff
The following dismounts will now respect an overriding dismount immunity buff when the effect is created by any of the following creatures and items:
- Void Wyvern
- Shadowmane
- Netgun
- Flash bang (Plant Z Grenade)
Miscellaneous Balance
- Prevented the Exo mek from filling turrets that have recently fired
- Increased Megalosaurus damage with the night time buff by approx 25%
- Increased Tek Turret HP by 100%
Quality of Life and Misc.
- Increased slots on the Industrial Grinder from 60 to 120
- Expanded the Tek Cloner register range by 3x
- Reduced Tek Surveillance Console Stack Size from 100 to 5
- Display a HUD whilst holding H with tek Glove equipped displaying player location and upload timer
- Increased Magmasaur’s smelting output by 100%
- Enabled auto-harvest on Ankylosaurus
- Enabled breeding on Rockdrakes
- Enabled breeding on Achatina
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed a bug where TEK Stryders and MEKs would not regain health in stasis
- Fixed a bug where MEK modules would lose durability when released from cryopod
- Two new admin commands: cheat drainwater <number> and cheat drainfood <number>
- Fixed a bug where the Dedicated Storage Box would ignore stack modifiers in server config files
- Fixed a bug where caused Plant Z to no longer heal dinos
- Fixed a bug where Soap would remove textures from some structures
- Fixed a bug where Cosmetics on the Shadowmane would not retain their colour
v337.41 - 10/13/2021
- Additional Official Server logging/debugging information
- Fixed an exploit
v337.36 - 10/12/2021
- Further iteration on Server logging/debugging information
v337.35 - 10/10/2021
- Additional Official Server logging/debugging information
- Fixed an exploit
v337.33 - 10/10/2021
- Additional Official Server logging/debugging information
v337.21- 10/08/2021
- Temporarily prevented the Noglin from gaining torpidity
v337.20 - 10/01/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v337.17- 09/29/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v337.16 - 09/23/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v337.15 (clients are .13) - 09/20/2021
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a bug where pressing "Spacebar" to bring up the camera list would shrink the UI each time
- Fixed a bug where weapons on the Loadout Mannequin would equip to feet
- Fixed some typos in text strings
- Fixed server versioning
- TEK Security Console Cameras are now able to be unlinked remotely
- Fixed servers not showing up when attempting to transfer between servers on Stadia
- Adjusted default Stadia video settings to support increased view distance and better texture quality. The following settings can also be adjusted in the options: post processing and view distance.
v678.51 - 09/17/2021
- Fixed multiple exploits.
- Fixed a bug where Explorer Notes would not unlock properly on Genesis Part 1 and Genesis Part 2. Any missing Genesis Part 2 note can be re-collected, and Genesis Part 1 notes should be fixed retroactively however may require you to respawn on Genesis Part 1.
- Fixed a bug where empty dedicated storage boxes would leave empty bags when destroyed
- Added 3 more buttons to Dedicated Storage boxes to withdraw 1, 5, and 10 items.
v678.46 - 09/15/2021
- Fixed an issue related to the placement of new dedicated storage boxes failing to retain items after a restart.
v678.45 - 09/14/2021
- Fixed an exploit
- Refactored TEK Dedicated Storage. This is a rework of the structure for server optimization, it should improve stability across the board due to huge memory-savings on large/active servers. It will generally function the same. You can still deposit and withdraw, but there are a few changes to be noted:
- You'll now be able to slot cap yourself directly using the Transfer All button when using the dedicated storage and it will ignore your weight.
- You'll no longer see an inventory inside the dedicated storage box when opening it, don't worry, your items are still there.
- You'll no longer be able to popcorn (Spamming the 'O' key to drop items) from the dedicated storage directly, (but you can now transfer a slot cap into your own inventory and popcorn from there).
v678.37 - 09/10/2021
- Fixed a network incompatibility which caused clients to disconnect when interacting with certain structures
v678.32 - 09/10/2021
- Fixed an issue with a bad build which caused game content to be destroyed. If you had updated your server to .30, you'll need to patch to .32, and may need to roll back your save file.
v678.30 - 09/10/2021
- Genesis Part One Mission Hexagon Rewards increased
- Fixed multiple exploits
v678.20 - 09/08/2021
- Fixed some incorrect volumes in Mission Zones
- Fixed a bug where Mini-HLNA emotes didn't play for female characters
- Fixed a bug where Mantis was not able to harvest with tools
- Fixed some exploits
v678.13 - 09/02/2021
- Fixed some cases where players could fail to connect to servers
- Fixed some crashes
- Fixed some cases where Mission Dinos could spawn under the mesh
- Fixed some cases where Mini-HLNA would no longer play its emotes
- Fixed a bug where the Ferox's insulation buff was not correctly applying
v678.10 - 08/31/2021
- Updated Vivox(voice chat & backend)
- Fixed some exploits
v336.23 - 08/30/2021
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a bug where kill notifications would not appear
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc
v336.12 - 08/24/2021
- Fixed some exploits
v336.3 - 08/17/2021
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed a bug where the Mutagen nearby buff icon would not display properly
- Fixed a bug where the Raft and Motorboat would not work properly in some water volumes
- Fixed a bug where the TEK Stryder bed would duplicate itself on the respawn UI
- Fixed a bug where Charge Batteries would not recharge in stasis'd TEK Stryders
- Fixed a bug where creatures would spawn above the map on some levels
- Fixed a bug where HLNA teleportion would not work when the game is run different languages
- Fixed a bug where certain creature abilities would not work when the game is run different languages
- Fixed a bug where the Loadout Mannequin's hotbar would no longer work when using blueprints
- Fixed a bug where Mutagen bulbs would fall through the map in certain cases
- Fixed multiple bugs with the Noglin causing problems when taming and possessing.
- Fixed a bug where some missions would not start properly/could not be completed.
- Fixed a bug where some subtitles were not playing when the game is run in different languages
- Fixed a bug where Explorer Note VO would constantly repeat if you return to the location.
- TEK Dedicated Storage box now supports its quantity display on various sides of the structure and has some QOL features to enable these on multiple boxes easily.
v335.8 - 08/11/2021
- Fixed multiple possession related bugs with the Noglin
- Fixed a bug where players would not get twins or triplets when hatching/birthing babies on PC
- Fixed a bug which caused Eggs to not be visible in the Egg Incubator
- Fixed a bug where certain creature abilities would not work when the game is run different languages
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some localisation bugs
- Fixed some level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, incorrect damage multipliers
v334.3 - 08/05/2021
- Fixed some exploits.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from repairing items in Dino Inventories that functioned as Smithy.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Charge Lantern to lose quality when placed and picked up.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some boss flags from being placed.
- Fixed some voiceoverbugs.
- Fixed some PVE Exploits.
- Fixed some incorrect spawns with Summoner.
- Fixed some areas that prevented Megachelon from building.
- Fixed some client stalls when using the TEK Incubator.
- Fixed a bug which could cause items to be lost in the Loadout Mannequin when using a non-survivor dermis.
- Fixed a bug where players were being killed when entering a mission mounted from a Stegosaurus.
- Fixed a bug where some Explorer Notes would repeat themselves on unlock.
- Reworked the Shadowmane leap so that it works better on servers with low framerate and fixed a bug where it would jump too far in some cases
- Removed some redundant options in metal elevator platform multi-use wheel
- TEK Stryder beds are now named after the TEK Stryder itself
- Made some balance tweaks to Trap and Hunt missions to reduce overall difficulty
v333.15- 07/29/2021
- Fixed some server side crashes
v334.13 - 07/28/2021
- Fixed some miscalculations with Noglin's taming effectiveness
- Fixed some cases where certain structures were not respecting Tribe Rank Rules
- Fixed some level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, incorrect damage multipliers.
- Fixed a bug where the Egg Incubator would not display stats for certain creature eggs, such as the Bloodstalker and Megachelon
- Fixed a bug where Cryopod UI would display incorrectly display hidden colour regions
- Fixed a bug which prevented TEK Skiffs from being crafted due to nearby Voidwyrms
- Fixed a bug which prevented resources from respawning due to nearby Voidwyrms
- Fixed a bug which caused Gacha's to provide the wrong fungal wood
- Fixed some more edge cases where Noglins' could still fly certain flying creatures under water
- Fixed some more edge cases where mission data could have been lost
- Prevented being able to drop eggs in the non-overworld Mission zones (such as Survive The ARK)
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some server and client crashes
- Unofficials can now enable additional dupe protection using the following commandline:
- -UseItemDupeCheck (Note: this could have an impact on mods, so use with caution)
v333.4 - 07/22/2021 (Major version update)
- Fixed a bug where defeating King Kaiju wouldn't display on your implant
- Fixed a bug where Baryonyx wouldn't regenerate health on killing fish
- Fixed a bug with Brontosaurus IK
- Fixed some level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, incorrect damage multipliers.
- Fixed a bug where players would be unable to remount the Voidwyrm if the player was killed during the taming process
- Fixed a bug causing visual artifacts in water
- Fixed a bug where some wild creatures wouldn't be able to damage each other
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to use '0000' as a valid pin on Pressure Plates & TEK Sensors
- Fixed a bug where Lamp Post, Omni Lights, and TEK Lights were having their options reset when you would leave stasis/render distance
- Fixed a bug which allowed the Zero G buff to persist outside of the space biome
- Fixed & protected against multiple exploits
- Fixed & protected against multiple server and client crashes
- Fixed a bug which caused unclaimed baby dino corposes to fall through the map when killed
- Fixed a bug where Shadowmane could do higher than intended damage in some cases
- Fixed a bug where turrets that were powered by the "Copy Settings" feature would not automatically turn back on when the generator they were powered by was refueled.
- Fixed a bug which made players unable to use the TEK Sword charge ability when the Shoulder Cannon was equipped
- Fixed some false positive anti-mesh detection
- Plant Species R decay timer has been increased to 20 days
- TEK Sensor and canvas now respect enemy foundation range
- Made some tweaks to the Starwing Strike race so it can no longer be completed without moving the Astrodelphis.
- Creatures spawned by Hunt Missions can no longer be netted
- Shadowmane can no longer jump/blink when it has C4 attached to it (similarly to the Managarmr)
- Updated some text string to be more accurate
- Two new admin commands:
- Cheat AddChibiExp <HowMuch>
- Cheat AddChibiExpToPlayer <PlayerID> <HowMuch>
v332.12 - 07/20/2021 (Client)
- Fixes some cases where certainExplorer Notes would not play when accessed via the Explorer Note UI
v332.14 - 07/20/2021 (Server)
- Fixed a bug which caused hitscan weapons (such as the Fabricated Sniper Rifle) to be highly inaccurate/unreliable, especially against moving targets or when you were moving as the shooter.
v332.13 - 07/15/2021
- Significantly reduced the delay when transferring items between inventories or dropping items on the ground (a side effect of a crash and stall related fix from the previous patch)
- Noglins can attach to flyers and use them in non-flyzones but not underwater
- Net immunity cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds
- When releasing a dino from a cryopod on servers using bEnableCryopodNerf, the creature will not be able to be netted for the duration of that buff. On Official PvP, this is set to 10 seconds.
v332.11 - 07/15/2021
- Fixed a bug where you could get inaccurate taming effectiveness on some creatures
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some client and server crashes
- Fixed some server stalls
- Fixed Megalodon gestation time (once again matches Megaloceros)
- Fixed some placement issues with some trophies
- Fixed a lot of level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, incorrect damage multipliers.
- Structures built on a Hoverskiff will forward damage to the skiff (does not forward damage from Wild creatures)
- Fixed some Desync reports
- Fixed a bug where HLNA crafting Explorer Notes would not unlock when using different characters on the same account
- Fixed some cases on Genesis Part 1 where the Explorer Notes would not unlock properly on the server
- Exintction Explorer Note #21 has been moved so it is no longer in the mesh
- Fixed a case where wild Snow Owls wouldn't be able to attack
- HLNA opacity settings now affect her movement SFX
- Fixed a bug where the Hoverskiff would not take off in Genesis Part 1: Tokyo Skiff mission
- Fixed a bug where some saddle engrams were missing from their respective crafting stations
- You can no longer build through Mission Dispatchers on Genesis Part 2
- Fixed some mesh exploits
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't craft TEK Replicator on Genesis Part 1
- Fixed a bug where TEK Stryder transmitter inventory was being wiped on server load
- Fixed a bug where players could move Netted Creatures
- Fixed some cases where the Noglin could attach in cases it shouldn't, and some cases where after a Noglin has attached it would be in a broken state.
- Fixed a bug on the Starwing Strike mission where your camera could get stuck using a gamepad
- Noglins now respect no flyer rules (maps, volumes, and water volumes).
- 6x Structure Damage has been removed from vents on Genesis Part 2
- Fixed a case where players sometimes did not get their race creatures/canoe.
- Fixed a bug where some Genesis Part 2 creatures were not able to hit level 500 on Official Servers
- Fixed some shader/visual issues with SM4
v332.8 - 07/02/2021
- Enabled the Full Hexagon Store on Official Genesis Part 2 Servers
- Reduced Cuddle Interval on Slide and Glide Mission from 0.5 to 0.1 to increase time between imprints (maturation and imprint bonuses remain the same)
- Fixed some mesh exploits
- Fixed some crashes
- Fixed a case where players would not be able to unlock Explorer Notes on Genesis Part 2
- Fixed some issues SFX issues with HLNA
v332.6 - 07/01/2021
- Fixed an exploit with character authentication (EGS)
- Fixed a bug where mission levels would not unload properly
- Fixed a bug with the Mission UI
- Fixed a bug where a random asteroids would momentarily appear on low framerate servers during space warp
- Fixed some cases on PVE where players could build in building-prevented areas
- Fixed a case where some Mission Dinos were not being properly destroyed
- Nets are no longer effective against alpha creatures
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed some client and server crashes
- Fixed a case where players would randomly die to fall damage in the Starwing Strike mission on low framerate servers
- Fixed some mission VO bugs
- Fixed some cases where players could exploit certain mechanics to make missions trivial
v332.1 - 06/30/2021
- Summer Bash is now live! For more details:
- Re-added missing cosmetic items from a previous event
- Fixed and protected against multiple exploits
- Fixed multiple crashes and exploits
- Fixed a bug where turrets wouldn't shoot unclaimed creatures
- TEK Pistol has reduced damage when used against boss monsters
- Velonasaur spawns have been updated on GEN2 to use the R-Velonasaur
- Mission Net Ammo no longer works on non-mission creatures
- Fixed a bug which prevented players from being able to place C4 properly
- Fixed a lot of level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes.
- Fixed some SFX bugs with the Stryder
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to remove cosmetics from the Shadowmane
- Maewings now have a toggle visible trough area
- Reduced Equus gestation time
- Fixed a bug where players could speed up the taming process by using a Stego's impale mechanic
v331.19 - 06/26/2021
- Fixed TEK Generator enemy placement radius being too low on PVP
- Fixed a case where cryopods were being destroyed when releasing cryopoded-creatures
- Fixed & protected against multiple exploits
- Copy Dino Settings now only applies to dinos of the same type/variant (i.e Parasaur, X-Parasaur, etc)
- Copy Dino Settings now has a timer and release, akin to unclaiming a creature, to prevent accidental usage.
v331.11 - 06/24/2021
- Fixed some cases where the Explorer Notes would not unlock properly on the server (to get the first HLNA explorer note, make sure to hit the reset cinematics button in your options - note that you only unlock Explorer Notes once HLNA has finished all her lines.)
- Fixed a bug where the WorldBuffScalingEfficacy would break harvesting rates
- Prevented some Rockwell & Eden variants creatures on Aberration that weren't native to the map (
- Enabled creature downloads on Aberration for the Genesis Part 2 permitted creatures, including Stryder, Maewing, Shadowmane, Noglin, and some R-variants.
- Fixed multiple level design related bugs such as holes, volumes, and floating folliage.
- Shadowmane baby food consumption has been reduced
- Fixed a bug where Maewing babies in baskets could be lost on server start up
- Fixed cases where the "hacking" mini game could fail incorrectly when taming the Stryder, and also made it more reliable on all servers.
v331.7 - 06/22/2021
- Fixed an issue with Genesis Part 2 not using the correct octree causing performance problems
- Reduced the Lazer range of the Astrodelphis(does not affect mission version of Astrodelphis)
- Astrodelphis Lazers now respect armor when applying damage(does not affect mission version of Astrodelphis)
- Adjusted Mantis Feeding to prevent it from starving when fed Rhino Horns
- Fixed a bug where the Astrodelphis baby would get stuck inside the mother on spawn
- Fixed a mesh exploit
v331.1 - 06/20/2021
- Fixed an exploit with character authentification
- Fixed multiple server crashes
- Fixed an edge case bug where feeding the Shadowmane would not result in an affinity gain
- Fixed a bug where the Global Mission Reward bonuses were overriding dynamic rates
- Astrodelphis homing missile no longer targets players
v330.8 - 06/18/2021
- Multiple TEK Engrams (Replicator, Teleporter, Trough, Forcefield, Dedicated Storage, Armour, Rifle, Turret, Generator) were added to the Genesis Part 2 boss fight
- Hoversail no longer falls in Zero G (Boost is always active)
- Net Ammo loaded into a Harpoon Launcher can now be used underwater
- Mantis will now accept Rhino Horns for taming, at a lower affinity than Deathworm horns
- Noglins can no longer attach to babies
- Fixed a bug where Voidwyvrm wasn't gaining bonus levels after taming
- Fixed some VFX and SFX bugs with the Voidwyrm
- Fixed some VFX and SFX bugs with the Stryder
- Fixed some bugs with the Stryder which affected transferring items to and from the dedicated storage, as well as accessing some aspects of its pinwheel
- Fixed a bug where players could errenously remove attachments from their Stryders
- Fixed a bug where Stryder's taming effectiveness would drop from 100% to 0%
- Stryders should no longer count towards the Global Platform Structure Limit
- Increased the Stryder hacking grace period to compensate for low framte rate servers
- Fixed some visual issues with certain items on the Loadout Manneuquinne
- TEK Explosive Arrow Damaged reduced by 25%
- TEK Explosive Arrow projectile speed reduced by 33%
- Astrodelphis Lazer damage reduced by 33%
- Astrodelphis Grenade Bomb projectile speed reduced by 50%
- Astrodelphis Lazers will no longer damage targets if it is encumbered
- Fixed a case where the Astrodelphis homing missile would still damage riders even though it was targetting the creature
- Note: We still plan to iterate on Astrodelphis balance.
- Fixed multiple server and client stalls and crashes
- Fixed some cases where creatures weren't properly playing the unconscious animation when being shot by a Net Ammo
- Fixed a bug where the Space Asteroid resources weren't respawning on transition
- Fixed a bug where the Genesis Part 1 Arrivial Protocol mission wasn't starting
- Fixed some cases of false mesh detection
- Fixed some exploits in missions that allowed you to keep the mission weapon longer than intended
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to create loot caches that would expire in 10 seconds
- Removed some invalid items from the Mission Loot & Supply Crate tables on Genesis Part 2
- Updated some mission objective text on Genesis Part 2
- Updated some descriptive text for items on Genesis Part 2
- Fixed a case where HLNA notes would not play when mounted
v329.51 (.49 for clients) - 06/15/2021
- Fixed TEK Sensor resetting on server restart
- Fixed Loadout Dummy decay timer being too short
- Fixed Dedicated Servers having the incorrect version when launched via the client
- Fixed being unable to navigate onto the Genesis 2 Engram filter
- Fixed some cases where the Stryder could not harvest properly
- Fixed some cases where the Net Ammo was not correctly dismounting players
- TEK Bow 'H' (Additional Info) Key now correctly displays the shard cost per ammo type
- Fixed some item descriptions
- Updated the Venus Fly Trap HUD
- Fixed some environmental visuals
- Fixed some inconsistencies with the Hoversail Trick Activation Text
- Fixed a client crash
- Fish Baskets no longer check for nearby enemy structures in PVE
- Stryder now has folders in the Multi Use wheel when looking at available dedicated storages, sorted by the nearest to the Stryder first.
- Tropeo saddle was readded to crafting stations
- Reduced the Astrodelphis melee damaged
- Astrodelphis homing missile shot no longer damages riders when it is targetting a tame
- Turrets will no longer attempt to target the Astrodelphis homing missile (as this does not damage structures).
- Dung Beetles are now available on Genesis Part 2
- R-Plant seeds have been readded to the general mission loot reward
- Fixed some cases where Mutagen could be fed to unintended things.
- Fixed some exploits
- Fixed multiple server and client crashes
- Fixed multiple server and client stalls
- Fixed a bug where eggs would incubate instantly
- Server Configuration values related to Genesis 2 World Buffs
- bDisableWorldBuffs=True This will disable world buffs entirely
- bEnableWorldBuffScaling=True This dynamic setting will cause world buffs to scale their benefits multiplicatively, rather than additionally. (Official Servers have this set to false/use additional).
- WorldBuffScalingEfficacy=1 This dynamic setting will act as a global scalar to reduce/increase the effectiveness of world buffs. 1 would be default, 0.5 would be 50% less effective, 100 would be 100x more effective.
v329.45 (.33 for clients) - 06/12/2021
- Fixed a bug with the Voidwyrm that allowed it to over-level. Any over-leveled ones have had their levels rolledback and stats reallocated.
- Fixed multiple server side crashes
- Fixed a client side crash
- Fixed a network incompatibility with the Voidwyrm that would cause disconnects
v329.27(.25 client) - 06/10/2021
- Fixed a bug where loot crates would only give primitive quality items
- Added bees to GEN2(recommending ForceRespawnDinos/killing dinos if you don't see them!)
- Added Keratin & Chitin to the Meat Plants in the Corrupt Cave
- Reduced crafting time of Cementing Paste to 1 second from 5 seconds
- Fixed multiple server side and client crashes
- Fixed a bug where MEKs could not harvest meat
- Fixed a bug where loot crates would only give primitive quality items
- Fixed a bug where the Maewing would not slide properly on water
- Fixed a bug where the Minigun would revert its quality when being placed on the ground
- Fixed some turret tracking bugs and improved turret tracking against TEK explosive arrows and other projectiles in low FPS. (More improvements to come)
- Turrets will now destroy TEK Explosive arrows in an AOE upon impact
- Fixed a bug where the TEK Bow was not requiring its Engram to equip
- Fixed some mission and item typos/descriptions
- Fixed a bug where race missions would count your weight, forcing you to move mockingly slow.
- Prevented C4 from being attached to the Canoe
- Fixed a bug with the Noglin when attaching to tamed dinos it would "untame" them.
- Removed a bunch of invalid items (such as carnivore seeds) from the files.
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to tame mission dinos and have retroactively destroyed them.
- Fixed a server side crash
- Improved Space Dolphin shooter mission hit registration
v329.22 - 06/08/2021
- TEK Sprint and TEK Punch now work on GEN2 again.
v329.21 - 06/08/2021
- Fixed an exploit with Astrodelphis
- Fixed multiple client and server crashes
- Fixed a bug where Stryders were not starting to auto-charge after being tamed
- Fixed a bug which prevented the TEK Gloves from working if TEK Shoulder Cannon was equipped
- Fixed mission progression sometimes being erased
- Prevented the Canoe from being grappled
- Fixed a bug where explosive arrows would not be targetted by turrets
- Fixed some false positive mesh detection cases in mission zones
- Fixed the Astrodelphis losing too much taming effectiveness per feed
- Fixed the Canoe getting stuck in the Team Downriver Run race
- Fixed incorrect SFX on mounted dinos when wearing GEN2 armor
- Fixed being able to target players in the Starwing Strike race
- Fixed a bug which caused the Astrodelphis to ignore the server setting for taming, making it always tame at the same speed regardless of settings.
- Fixed a bug with the Stryder's shield.
- Fixed an exploit with projectiles.
- Fixed a bug where players would not be teleported to the boss fight
- Fixed a bug where some mission levels remain loaded after exiting the mission
- Fixed a bug with bAlwaysAllowStructurePickup
- Fixed a bug which prevented being able to place C4 with Gamepad
v329.14 - 06/06/2021
- Fixed multiple server crashes
- Fixed a client crash related to eggs and the egg incubator
- Fixed a bug which would cause you to be dismounted/killed during certain missions
v329.9(serveris .8) - 06/05/2021
- Temporarily disabled Space Dolphin's bomb structure damage whilst the mechanic is being iterated on.
- Fixed a multiple exploit
- Fixed multiple server and client crashes
- Fixed a replication issue with the Egg Incubator
v329.7- 06/05/2021
- Disabled TEK Punch from doing damage on Genesis Part 2
- Added a server config bool for Unofficial Servers to allow them to disable the GEN2 TEK Suit on spawn: bDisableDefaultMapItemSets=True (Game.ini)
- Fixed multiple server crashes/hang
- Fixed a bug where players would be unintentionally killed on the Hoversail
- Fixed a bug where you could use mission canoes as beds
- Fixed a bug where players could join servers and go over the slot count
v329.6- 06/04/2021
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in theintro cinematic
- Fixed several server crashes
v329.5 (v329.3 server) - 06/03/2012
- Genesis Part 2 is now available! (For unofficial hosts, the map name is Gen2)
- Epic Settings bumped up further for improved visuals
- Added a "Allow Enanched Max View Distance Mode" checkbox to settings
- Added a "Reset Cinematics & Cosmetic Items" button to settings to enable a one-time playing of cinematics/receiving your cosmetics again.
- Copy Dino Settings to nearby Dinos adding to Multi Use wheel on Creatures
- Multiple Ferox bug fixes in various game modes (dedicated, non-dedicated, and single player)
- Fixed an exploit with MEKs
- Fixed an exploit with Managarmr
- Ferox will now display stats for both of its forms
- Enforcer can now climb walls by holding down shift (similar to Bloodstalker)
- Cryofridge is now paintable
- Player Taxidermies now support hairstyles
- TEK Helmet multiuse wheel has been moved on keyboard to R
- Training Dummy updated to support equipping armour so more precise DPS can be identified
- Multiple holes, meshes, volume, floating folliage fixes across all platforms.
- New player whistle "All Passive Flee"
- New Server Configurations:
- Game.ini:
- bHexStoreAllowOnlyEngramTradeOption=true (only allows Engrams to be sold on the Hex Store, disables everything else).
- BaseHexagonRewardMultiplier=0.1 (Allows you to score hexagon rewards on specific servers)
- HexagonCostMultiplier=1 (Allows you to scale the hexagon cost of items in the Hexagon store)
- bDisableHexagonStore=0 (Allows you to disable the Hexagon store)
- Game.ini:
v327.21- 05/18/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v327.19- 05/05/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v327.10 (Server is v327.8) - 04/28/2021
- Shadowmane Chibi now available for anyone who has collected all the Genesis Chronicles Explorer Notes
- Fixed a localisation crash
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to cause others to disconnect using dedicated storage boxes
- Removed Easter Holiday content
- Eliminated edge cases where servers could have more players than the config would allowed
v326.13 - 04/23/2021
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Server config value: "AllowCaveBuildingPvP=false" now supports blocking building in caves on Aberration, Extinction, Genesis Part 1, and Crystal Isles in preparation for Conquest server launch.
- New server config value in ShooterGameMode Game.ini:
For example: PreventTransferForClassNames=Dodo_Character_BP_C
- Seeds now have a spoil timer (included a one time destruction of them in dedicated storage boxes)
v326.8 - 04/12/2021
- Fixed a server crash that would occur when the server was attempting to save
v326.6 - 04/07/2021
- Fixed a localisation crash
v326.3 - 03/31/2021
- Eggcellent Adventure 6 is now live, for more details:
- Fixed a bug where wild bees would not spawn
- Additional server side logging
- Additional mesh detection metrics
v325.17- 03/29/2021
- Additional mesh detection metrics
- Additional server side logging
- Fixed a mesh exploit
v325.10 - 03/25/2021
- Fixed Cryopod not displaying the creatures gender
- TEK Federation Helmet colourisation on female characters
v325.10- 03/25/2021
- Fixed a bug which would cause dino mating cooldown to reach unreasonably high levels
v325.6 - 03/24/2021
- Genesis Chronicles V! Jump in to collect your TEK Federation Helmet skin, and HLN-A & Rockwell's Explorer Notes on Genesis!
- Fixed a mesh exploit
v324.24 - 03/19/2021
- Fixed a mesh exploit
- Deinonychus riders can no longer use weapons when they're latched onto a creature
- Deinonychus can no longer be picked up by the Karkinos
- Fixed a server-side stall exploit
v324.22 - 03/11/2021
- Fixed a mesh exploit
- Fixed an exploit that allowed you to avoid turret damage
- Hover Skiff can no longer use turbo speed when carrying enemy players or tamed enemy dinos (no changes made if using carrying allied or wild)
v324.18 - 03/05/2021
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to avoid taking damage from turrets
- Reverted bola changes that were implemented with previous exploit-fix.
v324.17 - 03/05/2021
- Fixed a bug where the spyglass was not displaying wild or enemy creature names
v324.16 - 03/05/2021
- Reworked TEK Helm to function like the shoulder cannon so that tapping 'E' no longer cycles visors instead holding 'E' will bring up a pinwheel which players can use to toggle or cycle the visor.
- Corrupted Dinos no longer damage player structures on PvE
- Made some tweaks to the Artifact system in single-player to resolve some scenarios where some artifacts (such as Skylord) would spawn/respawn unreliably.
- Fixed invisible bees.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to escape through the ceiling barrier on some maps
- Fixed a client crash related to movement
- Fixed a client crash related to attacking with creatures
- Fixed a bug where the Colour ID was displaying incorrectly on Cryopods
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to avoid turret damage
- Fixed a bug where enemy creature floating HUD names would still cost client performance even when not rendered
- Fixed a bug where the Shoulder Cannon was targeting allied creatures on PVE
- Fixed a server crash
v324.10 - 03/01/2021
- Added some additional logging for servers
- Added some additional validation against renaming dinos and structures
- Fixed an exploit with explosives
- Fixed a server crash
v323.18 - 02/26/2021
- Updated cryopod UI. (Known issue: imprint value isn't correct & you may need to throw out existing dinos to get the updated spayed/neutered status).
v323.17 - 02/25/2021
- Cryopods will now remember (but not display) the mating interval time and count down correctly
- Fixed Cryopod UI displaying wrong values for some stats.
- Cryopod UI has been adjusted to be smaller, display gender, and whether a creature has been spayed or neutered. We plan to make some more changes to this in the future where the colour-ID will be included on the colours, as well as some general clean up of the UI.
- Fixed an issue where the new TEK Federation Gloves skin would cause some masking issues on the player character's head
v323.14 - 02/23/2021
- Fixed a client crash caused by highlighting/mousing over cryopods
v323.6 - 02/23/2021
- Genesis Chronicles VII (Notes 16 - 20 have been added with the TEK Federation Gloves cosmetic)
- Additional metrics for transfer and server connection issues
- Cryopods now display more information including the creatures' colour region and mutations.
v322.15 - 02/18/2021
- Can no longer ride unconscious Stegos
- Fixed various map issues related to volumes and borders
- Ziplines will now check to see whether a character can actually fit into a space before allowing them to attach to the zipline
- Dino Leash now has a designated folder in the crafting UI
- Added the option to see Unlearned Engrams on Remote Inventories with crafting (which can be toggled on/off on the same UI)
v322.9 - 02/11/2021
- Valentine's Event is now live! Launch with -activeevent=vday
- Can no longer carry/base Corrupted Dinos
- Notes have had their character limit restored to the previous value (no longer cuts off after one line)
v321.20 - 02/04/2021
- Fixed an exploit
v321.14 - 01/26/2021
- No longer able to delete/destroy the obelisk via admin commands (previously deleted ones are now restored)
- Fixed an exploit that would allow the Velonasaur to have infinite stamina while firing spikes
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from accessing the Ferox inventory
- Fixed a bug that caused Billboards & Signs to have a 24 character limit
- Fixed a bug that caused wild beehive spawns to over spawn
- Fixed a typo with the Ovis Chibi
- Fixed a server crash
v321.11 - 01/24/2021
- After placing a structure, the placement HUD will remain active if the player has any more items of that structure available to place. (So you no longer have to re-select the structure to place the same type again).
v321.10 - 01/17/2021
- Fixed a visual issue with the Federation TEK Chest Piece
- Fixed a bug which prevented non-dedicated servers from being able to be hosted
- Fixed a bug where the inventory rank was not updating on the client unless you rendered the structure again or rejoined the server.
v321.1 - 01/14/2021
- Added Explorer Notes 11-15 for Genesis Chronicles
- Added TEK Chest V2 for Genesis Chronicles
- Added additional mesh biting detection
- Fixed multiple mesh methods
- Fixed a bug where the Scorched Earth Manticore was rewarding the incorrect amount of Element
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to create names with invisible letters
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed a bug where the Taming UI pop up would not function at reduced resolution scales
- Fixed a bug where the TEK Turret did not respect Tribe Ranks
- Fixed a crash with the Taming HUD
- Fixed an exploit that allowed beehives to be duped
- Managarmr can no longer dash when C4 is attached (Similarly to how the Pterodon cannot roll)
- Deinonychus riders are now correctly dismounted when flashed by a Plant Species Z Fruit
- Carno Visual Changes (Texture/Material Update)
- New Single Player/Host Setting: Enable Level Up for Flyer Movement Speed(You can enable the setting on Unofficials by doing the following: adding bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=Trueto the game.ini or -AllowFlyerSpeedLevelingto the commandline)
v320.57 - 01/06/2021
- Fixed an exploit that allowed 'family shared' accounts to play on 'family sharing prohibited' servers
v320.50 - 01/04/2021
- Fixed a meshing exploit
v320.38 - 12/24/2020
'Happy New Year!' event is now enabled on Official Servers. The event is set to go off at approximately Midnight EST and Noon EST on the 1st of January 2021. Servers running the event will be bombarded with raining gifts in a hail of fireworks to mark the end of 2020. These gifts will contain a collection of your favourite skins from past events that are currently unavailable and a chibi bonanza! And by bonanza, we mean, the drop rate of Rare, Very Rare and Legendary chibis will be dialled to over 9000!
Unofficial Servers can enable the event with the following commandline param: -NewYearEvent
To modify the times, the following commandline parameters can also be used:
- ?NewYear1UTC=1609477200
- ?NewYear2UTC=1609497200
You can use to get your appropriate timestamp. Please keep in mind that this event cannot be run before Midnight EST on the 1st of January 2021, so if you wish to change your time it would have to be set after that.
Some additional notes:
- This event can only be run ONCE on a savefile (with 2 triggers).
- If a server is set to run the event at a time already passed, then on load the server will immediately trigger the gifts.
v320.31 - 12/23/2020
- Fixed an exploitable client side crash
v320.29 - 12/18/2020
- Fixed a bug which prevented some servers from listing on EGS clients
v320.18- 12/17/2020
- Winter Wonderland is now live until Jan 7th! Launch your server with -ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland to enjoy the festivities!
- Fixed an exploit with tribe names
v319.29 - 12/15/2020
- Fixed an exploitable server side crash (recommend unofficials update as soon as possible)
v319.22 - 12/14/2020
- Fixed incorrect damage multiplier volumes being active
v319.14 - 12/11/2020
- Animated Series Raptor Costume
- Santiago's Spear Skin
- Santiago's Axe Skin
All acquired by clicking on the main menu options
Genesis Chronicles
- Added HLN-A Explorer Notes 6-10 for Genesis Chronicles
- Added TEK Suit V2 pants for Genesis Chronicles
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Stego to continuously impale
- Removed level up notification when a dino is already at max level
- Fixed an exploit with FOV
- Fixed a bug with the Aberration day/night cycle
- Fixed an issue that could cause a stall when using the teleporter and troughs
- Fixed an occurrence where the TEK Skiff would be unable to fly even when it has been fueled
- Before eating a Tropeo egg, you will now receive a warning before consuming it
- Fixed an exploit with Nvidia Ansel
- Fixed an issue where the baby mantis could float in the air
- Adjusted the Stego's impale damage so that it scales with the level
- Fixed a bug where a mounted rider could be killed after removing a Trope saddle
- Fixed a mesh exploit with the Crab
v318.14 - 11/28/2020
- Turkey Trial event colours will now properly show up in all colour regions on wild creatures
v318.12 - 11/24/2020
- Prevented more TT cosmetics from being grindable
v318.9 - 11/24/2020
- Turkey Trial is now live until December 8th! Launch your server with -ActiveEvent=Turkeytrial to enjoy the festivities!
- Fixed a bug where Tamed Megalodons were accidentally applying the Gashed debuff, causing a slow and a bleed, rather than the Gnashed debuff which would only cause a bleed. Additionally, Wild Megalodons will no longer apply the bleed effect (Gnashed) to their targets.
- Fixed a bug which broke Basilisk IK
- Fixed a bug where the Mammoth damage debuff (Trumpet) was not working on wild or tamed dinos
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc. This includes the floating water volumes around the Crystal Isles floating islands which would cause players to dismount in midair.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Taming HUD to clear itself after a server restart or relog
- Fixed a bug which caused Quetz to be affected by small bear traps
- Fixed a bug which caused the Rock Drake to stop gliding
- Fixed a bug which caused Large Crop Plots to be fully irrigated when placed
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to place ocean platforms inside other player structures
- Fixed a bug which caused Onyc's babies to spawn at the wrong socket location
- Fixed a bug where HLNA was not correctly colorizable
- Fixed a bug which allowed Desert Kaiju flock to be taxidermable
- Fixed a bug which prevented you from being able to "track all" creatures that were tamed within a search filter in the Taming UI HUD.
- Fixed a bug which caused some foliage on Aberration to be missing collision
- Fixed a bug which prevented Arthropleuras, Spiders, and Onyc that were in Cryopods from being deployed
- Fixed a bug which caused Wild Stegos to have colour plating in Single Player
- Fixed a bug which caused Mantis that were grown from the baby stage to be larger than tamed ones
- Fixed a bug which made the Chibi Bone Rex smaller than intended
- Fixed a bug with the Hockey Mask which would cause it to stall players upon selection
- Fixed a bug which prevented the Stego from gaining experience when killing with Impale
- Fixed a bug which caused the Bleed Effect to be off center on the Allosaurus and Thylacoleo
- Fixed a bug which caused non-aggressive Eels to wander in circles
- Fixed a bug which made it so that the Shoulder Cannon icon was not colourised
- Fixed an exploit which prevented turrets from shooting at you
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Cannons and Turrets to be healed using the tent
v317.2 - 11/19/2020
- Fixed a client crash caused by launching the game whilst not being connected to the internet
v317.1 - 11/13/2020
- Fixed a case where transfers could fail
- Fixed multiple server side crashes
v316.40 - 11/12/2020
- Eliminated server calculation related to replacing structures (no cost to server). Active on Unofficials too.
- Optimised server calculation for demolishing structures (Official only for now whilst being tested)
v316.31 - 11/10/2020
- Fixed abug which caused players to be unable to connect or travel between servers
v316.28 - 11/10/2020
- Fixed a bug which caused players to disconnect after defeating bosses
- Fixed a bug which caused players to timeout or get a Login Lock error when transferring on Official Servers
v316.18- 11/07/2020
- Mammoth TLC
- Stego TLC
- Taming HUD
- Turret Radius Settings
- Insects are now breedable
- Wyverns are now breedable (except Zombie Wyvern)
- Reduced Giganotosaurus maturation time by approximately 15% (Total growth is around 10~ days)
- Increased Diplocaulus base health by 33% (from 190 to 250.3)
- Increased Diplocaulus movement speed when ridden by 25%
- Added a (slow draining) bleed to Thylacoleo basic attack
- Reduced depth requirement for Megachelon breeding so that it can be bred on other maps
- Reduced Megalodon gestation/aging times to match Megaloceros
- Added a Pack Bonus to Megalodon: Damage Reduction and Damage Increase per pack member within range
- Added a bleed to Megalodon basic attack
- Increased Jerboa base weight capacity from 55 to 120 (Matches Bulbdog)
- Increase Ankylosaurus metal weight reduction by 10% (from total reduction of 75% to 85%)
- You can now turn when rolling with a Doedicurus (similarly to the Genesis Race Mission)
- Basilisk now has eyes
- Element reward from The Island bosses has been increased by 100%
- Element reward from The Center bosses has been increased by 100%
- Element reward from Scorched Earth has been increased by 50%
- Fixed a bug where HLN-A would jitter a lot at low client fps
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to blow up 2 pieces of C4 without consuming them
- Fixed the Onyx having the wrong icon
- Fixed a lot of typos
- Fixed a shoulder pet offset issue with the Ferox on the Gigantopithecus
- Fixed a bug on localized/translated Cryopods which prevented it from displaying the correct information
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed a bug which prevented you from placing Cliff Platform structures in the Genesis Part 1 Ocean Biome
- Fixed a bug which broke biome specific overrides
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to fly across the map with certain creatures and grappling hooks
- Completely disabled the option to set teleporters as Public on Official PvP (including using them).
- New Dynamic Ini options: HexagonRewardMultiplier (multiplies hex rewards for missions), BabyImprintAmountMultiplier, and BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier
- Hotkey for GCM demolished has changed to "G" when using keyboard and mouse
- Ended Fear Evolved and removed Halloween content
v315.18 - 11/06/2020
- Fixed a server crash
v315.17 - 11/05/2020
- Fixed an issue where player characters were not linking up to tribes correctly. If you have recently transferred to or downloaded your character on a server and it was not placed in it's tribe, please do not create a new tribe. Once this patch is live, you can transfer out and back in again and this should grant you access to your tribe once more.
v315.16 - 11/05/2020
- Fixed multiple server crashes
v315.15 - 11/02/2020
- Fixed a crash that would occur when the player would not be able to authenticate through Cloudflare
- Additional anti-cheat server-side logging
v315.9 - 10/29/2020
- Increased chance of creatures being a bone or a ghost type
- Changed scarecrows, pumpkins, gravestones to now give players a random amount between 1 and 5
- Increased the average frequency of seeing gravestones, scarecrows, and piles by approximately 15%
- Fixed special map overrides not working on DLC maps, such as TEK Creatures, GEN-X, etc.
v315.4 - 10/23/2020
- Fixed a server side crash
- Prevented the Dodowyvern and DodoRex from being able to be picked up with a hoverskiff
v315.2- 10/23/2020
- Fear Evolved 4 is now available until November 6th! Enable with -ActiveEvent=FearEvolved
- Crystal Wyvern Fertilized eggs now properly warn players before consuming
- C4 will no longer float when attached to dinos that have been cryo'd
- Players can demolish structures quickly in GCM by using Q on keyboard or RightBumper+X on Gamepad/R1 + Square.
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to ride dinos whilst being grappled.
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
- Fixed a bug which would cause Rock Drake to spin rapidly when climbing walls
- Fixed a shooting exploit with TEK Tapejara
- Fixed a bug which allowed Magmasaur to do damage in ORP mode
- Added colorisation options for Shoulder Cannon
- Added the TEK Trike to the core game so it can now be transferred
- Added the Master Controller flag to VR Boss
v314.13 - 10/13/2020
- TEK Grenades when attached to a scout will now instantly explode
- Further enhancements to the mesh protection system to prevent projectiles and structures from being fired or placed inside the mesh
v314.7- 10/09/2020
- Fixed a client crash on Aberration
- Fixed a client crash on Linux
v314.5 - 10/08/2020
- Pacifier (imprint/cuddle) icon will be hidden behind the Extended HUD options (H) unless an imprint is available (then you'll see it)to reduce on screen clutter.
v314.3 - 10/08/2020
- Crystal Isle map optimizations
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Networking optimizations and security improvements
- Pacifier (Imprint)Icon only displays above baby dinos when imprinting is NOT at 100%, and will pulse when a baby is ready to be cuddled
- Additional mesh detection improvements
- Fixed a bug with Tropeo that allowed it to attack ORP structures and dinos
- Initial Implementation of the Live Tuning System. More details can be found here.
v313.57 - 10/01/2020
- Fixed a meshing exploit
- Fixed a turret soaking exploit
- Dino Leash will no longer prevent creatures from being transported via a TEK Teleporter
- Fixed a bug that prevented the oil pump structure from being able to be placed on oil wells.
- Fixed a bug which prevented players from launching the expansion pack maps on Linux
- Locally run 'getall' commands are now locked behind a server admin check
- Alliance chat now works with Gamepad
v313.55 - 09/29/2020
- Further optimisations made to the structure stasis code (Official Only)
- Fixed a bug which would cause spectator mode to stop working
v313.52- 09/28/2020
- Further optimisations made to the structure stasis code (Official Only)
- Fixed a crash related to the stasis optimisation code(Official Only)
- Fixed OSDs and Veins not being destroyed when leaving render distance(they are supposed to be destroyed)
- Fixed Gas Veins continuing to explode gas balls even when they have a collector attached
v313.49 - 09/27/2020
- Further optimisations made to the structure stasis code (Official Only)
- Fixed some stasis-related crashes (Official Only)
v313.46 - 09/26/2020
- Fixed server crashes related to stasis optimisation code (Official Only)
- Additional stasis optimisations(Official Only)
v313.43 - 09/25/2020
- Fixed multiple cases where players or dinos could get stuck in structures via relogging or fast travelling.(Official only - related to the stasis code)
v313.41 - 09/25/2020
- Structure stasis code optimized(Official only for now whilst we continue to investigate impact)
v313.37- 09/24/2020
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Prevented players from being able to level up tames above the server-specific level clamp
- Fixed multiple mesh methods
- Fixed an exploit with the Astrocetus
- Updated the PC Client Patch Notes URL
v313.35 - 09/19/2020
- Fixed a server crash related to RCON. (Unofficial Only)
v313.33 - 09/18/2020
- Fixed a server crash
v313.30 - 09/17/2020
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed Fence Supports requiring foundational support when trying to snap to each other
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to bring tames to Genesis Gauntlet Missions
- Fixed the DefeatBoss admin command
- Added additional sockets onto the skiff which auto-turrets can use as targeting options
- Added some protection to the Tribe UI to prevent players from accidentally leaving their own tribe or kicking themselves
- Prevented the trough visual from displaying in spectator mode
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to complete Genesis Gather Missions before hitting all the requirements
- Fixed a bug which would allow you to build a floating base
- Fixed a bug which prevented Megachelons from counting towards the platform dino limit
- Fixed a mesh exploit
- Fixed a bug which prevented catapults from applying damage when shooting boulders
v313.28 - 09/16/2020
- Fixed multiple server crashes
v313.23 - 09/15/2020
- Fixed a server crash
v313.22 - 09/13/2020
- Fixed multiple exploits related to mounted turrets
v313.19 - 09/10/2020
- Fixed an exploit that caused playersto be ignored by auto-turrets
v313.14 - 09/08/2020
- Fixed an exploit that caused players to be ignored by auto-turrets
v313.14- 09/05/2020
- Fixed a bug which stopped Gacha crystals from providing items upon consumption
v313.10 - 09/04/2020
- Fixed a bug which prevented the TEK Bridge from snapping
- Increased the TEK Bridge decay timer
- Fixed a level up animation glitch with the Bear and Megatherium
- Fixed multiple level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Trough visual indicator to reset on load in Single Player
- Fixed an exploit used by malicious players to arbitrarily add pin codes to unpincodeable structures
- Fixed various broken creature spawns in Genesis Single Player
- Adjusted the Transfer UI's Server Session list alignment
- Fixed a bug where downloaded Titans were not saving on servers
- Fixed an exploit with Crystal Wyverns
- Fixed an exploit with the Reaper and Basilisk
- Fixed an exploit with the Deinocyhus
- Fixed a bug with the TEK Skiff would not update its inventory, causing it to be unable to fly as it assumed it was carrying too many items
v313.7 - 08/31/2020
- Fixed multiple meshing exploits
v313.5 - 08/25/2020
- Doubled harvesting, taming, and XP rates in the core game
- Transfers and Reaper Pregnancy now enabled on Official Crystal Isles and * (EGS/new) servers
- Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and more across various maps.
- Desert Kaiju lightning strike no longer goes through terrain/world geo
- Fixed a stutter with the TEK Suit on Crystal Isles
- Reaper Kings in Rockwell Fight are no longer tamable
- Setname now correctly checks for admin
- Trough now remembers the state of the Visual Indicator on load of save game
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
v312.84 - 08/18/2020
- Fixed a server desync which would cause players to disconnect in certain locationson Crystal Isle
v312.83 - 08/18/2020
- Fixed a clientdesync which would cause players to disconnect in certain locationson Crystal Isles
v312.82 - 08/18/2020
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
- The admin command destroytribestructureslessthan now works correctly on teams that are not part of tribes.
- Purlovia can no longer burrow if it's being carried by a Skiff beam
- Gacha Crystals are now applying the item clamp on generated items
v312.80 - 08/14/2020
- Fixed a bug which would have caused characters to accidentally overwrite already existing but dead characters upon transferring in.
- Fixed a bug which would have caused consumable items to have not been removed from inventories upon use.
v312.74- 08/10/2020
- Fixed an invulnerability exploit with MEKs
- Unofficial Servers can now disable family sharing by disabling the following config in GameUserSettings.ini under ServerSettings: AllowSharedConnections=False
v312.72 - 08/05/2020
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
v312.66 - 08/04/2020
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
- Fixed TEK Gauntlets pushing enemy tamed creatures in PVE
v312.65 "QOL/Balance Pass" - 07/30/2020
- Increased deep-sea-depth value at which damage taken by approximately 30%
- Reduced armour penetration by approximately 35%
- Reduced durability damage by 50%
- Added 30% armour penetration to the Left Click attack
- Added a Bleed effect to the right click attack which does up to 5% of targets health over 10 seconds, cannot be stacked but the timer can be reset.
- Increased resistance to TEK Turrets by 10%
- Reduced weight of Obsidian in inventory by approximately 75%
- Reduced weight of metal, stone, crystal, and black pearls by approximately 50%
- Increased swim speed by approximately 20%
- Increased buff timer from 30 minutes to 6 hours
- Reduced Shell Resistance by 30% (from 80% to 50%)
- Reduced Health Per Level gains by approximately 15%
- Reduced Health Per Level gains by approximately 15%
- Can no longer inhale or exhale when being carried by skiff
- Will no longer push Dinos around in PVE when landing to prevent griefing and exploits
- Reduced Mosasaur maturation time (now matches Yutyrannus)
- Reduced Basilosaurus maturation time (now matches Gacha)
- Reduced Tusoteuthis maturation time (now matches Yutyrannus)
- Reduced Plesiosaur maturation time (now matches Gacha)
- Reduced Compy maturation time (now matches Otter)
- Reduced Equus maturation time (now matches Procoptodon)
- Reduced Quetzal maturation time to approximately 5 and a half days
- Reduced Phiomia maturation time (now matches Ovis)
- Reduced Ichthyosaurus maturation time (now matches Roll Rat)
- Reduced Dunkleosteus maturation time (now matches Mammoth)
- Reduced Jerboa maturation time (now matches Otter)
- Increased Rhino maturation time (now matches Doedicurus)
- Added an additional 15 seconds to all race missions on Xbox and PS4
- Added Event Emotes to the Hex Store at the cost of 50,000 hexagons
- Reduced Hexagons rewarded on Mound Over Matter and One Helluva Treasure Hunt by 25% on all difficulties
- Increased the cost of Gunpowder in the Hex Exchange to 150 hexagons.
- Increased the cost of Hide in the Hex Exchange to 60 Hexagons
- Element Shards gained from Genesis Volcano Red Crystals have been reduced by approximately 40%
- Per Character Hexagon clamp added to configurable ini (Defaults to 2.5m on Official Network, retroactive change). Can be edited on unofficials by changing this variable in GameUserSettings.ini: MaxHexagonsPerCharacter=2500000
- Boss Fight timer has increased from 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
- Flying creatures will prioritize picking up friendly-creatures rather than dismounting friendly riders
- Baby Creatures will no longer auto-wander when hatched
- Mounting a flying creature will no longer instantly cause it to take off
- Cryopods in a player’s inventory will now charge if a player is sleeping in a TEK Pod.
- TEK Helm will now provide players with the Gas Mask bonus, protecting them from the Poison Wyvern and Basilisk spit.
- Tamed Creatures can no longer consume antidote
- Added multiple item-clamping checks to various areas of loot generation and crafting.
- Heavy Turret damage increased by 15%
- TEK Turrets now require double the amount of shards per bullet
- Metal Ingot stack size has been increased to 300
- Raw Metal stack size has been increased to 300
- Spoil time on Lesser Antidote has been increased to 3 days
- Spoil time on Prime Meat and Prime Fish have doubled
- HLNA and Chibi Creatures no longer disable the protection against Bees buff.
- Yell and Whisper can now switch between the following modifier keys on PC: Left Shift, Left Ctrl, and Left Alt.
- A configurable GameUserSettings.ini which allows server hosts to limit the amount of gateways that can be placed on platform saddles. This configuration is not retroactive, so applying this change will require some manual administration work to clear up any pre-existing platforms that exceed the limit. MaxGateFrameOnSaddles=2 We’ll be enabling this on our Official PvP Network and setting the limit to 2, on all platforms. Official PvP players will have approximately 30 days to adjust their current existing platforms to remove any that exceed the gateway limit.
v312.57 - 07/22/2020
- Fixed multiple server crashes
- Cruise Missiles will now be targeted by turrets that are set to Survivor Only
- Tweaked the Bloodstalker's valid-enemy target HUD color and additional server-side validation to prevent exploits.
- Fixed a bug with the Bloodstalker that prevented it from harvesting corpses
v312.53 - 07/21/2020
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
- Fixed an exploit that allowed you to avoid cryosickness
- Removed the purple crosshair from Bloodstalker when it has a valid enemy target due to exploit potential.
- End the Summer Bash event on Official Servers
v312.52 - 07/17/2020
- Fixed a shooting exploit
- Fixed multiple mesh exploits
- Added additional settings to the dynamic config
- Fixed some colorization issues with the Crystal Wyverns
v312.47 - 07/14/2020
- Fixed multiple server crashes
- Fixed multiple undermesh exploits
- Fixed an exploit to block turret fire
- Fixed Saddles not respecting the armor clamp when releasing them from cryopods
- Fixed EGS clients not being able to rejoin full servers without relaunching the application
- Added multiple missing sound effects
- Added a limit to the number of flex pipes that can be placed within an area
v312.43 - 07/12/2020
- Fixed some client crashes specific to mods
v312.40 - 07/10/2020
- Fixed a server crash
- Improved shooting accuracy on lower fps servers against moving targets
- Fixed some client crashes specific to mods
v312.35 - 07/09/2020
- Fixed an exploit related to the Railgun
- Fixed an exploit related to Shoulder Cannon
- MEKs can now harvest corpses with their swords
- Reduced TEK Generator enemy foundation check radius in PvE
- Multiple level design fixes related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and collision.
- Rollrat passengers are no longer killed when the Rollrat rolls
- Begin 'Mating' has now been moved back to the standard tick (should eliminate the delay in creatures starting to mate)
- TEK Sensor settings should not restart after loading a saved game
- Crystal Wyvern cloning costs have been rebalanced
- Removed some unusable items from the Mission Loot Tables
- Added TEK Trike and Ice Golem to the recoverable cryo array so that they can be cryo'd and used on Genesis specifically
- Additional Hexagon Loot Crate protection to prevent them from being unopened upon purchase
- TEK Gloves now work on Genesis
- Fixed some cases where the Rock Drake was able to shoot at turrets but not be targeted itself
- Megalechon dermis now works on the Large Taxidermy Base
- HLNA skin will now respect the 'disable default survivor item' options in the client
- Added `BabyImprintAmountMultiplier` as an additional game.ini config for globally tuning imprinting.
- Multiplier applied to the percentage each imprints provide. For example, if an imprint usually give 8%, setting this multiplier to 0.5 means they would now give 4% each. While setting it to 2.0 means they would now give 16% each, etc. This multiplier is global, meaning it will affect the imprinting progression of every species
- Further tweaks to logic used in shooting desync exploit fix
- Fixed another bug that would have prevented data from being written to the cloud when transferring characters (Official Only).
- Prevented unclaimed dinos from breeding
- Prevented baby dinos from auto-harvesting
- Fixed element pool not restoring element for TEK equipment
v312.32 - 07/07/2020
- Improved logic used in our shooting desync exploit fix from the previous patch
- Fixed a bug which would have prevented data from being written to the cloud when transferring characters (Official Only).
v312.29 - 07/05/2020
- Fixed a shooting desync exploit
- Fixed multiple server crashes
v312.27 - 07/02/2020
- Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and more.
- Fixed multiple exploits related to Genesis Mission Weapons
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to purchase unopened loot crates
v312.24 - 07/01/2020
- Fixed some exploits related to ranged weapons and guns.
v312.19 - 06/30/2020
- Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and more.
- Fixed Dino Leash breaking on restart
- Fixed a crash related to crafting items with the gamepad
- Reduced the Prime Jerky crafting cost of Summer Bash Holiday items
v312.14 - 06/29/2020
- Fixed a server hang
- Fixed a server crash
v312.15 - 06/27/2020
- Reverted file loading change due to it causing memory issues
v312.13 - 06/26/2020
- New command line arg: -PublicIPForEpic=<IPAddress>
- If this command line arg is used, this is the public IP that EGS clients will attempt to connect to.
- If this command line is missing and -Multihome is specified, then EGS clients will attempt to connect to the Multihome IP
- Note that if you're using Multihome and specify a non-public IP address, then players will not be able to connect to your server using EGS. Make sure to set a public IP address (e.g WAN or external)
v312.9 - 06/25/2020
- Summer Bash 2020 enabled on Official Servers. Unofficial can enable using: -activeevent=Summer
- Fixed multiple level design bugs related to holes, collision, floating foliage, and incorrect volumes.
- Primal Crystal is now transferable
- Jump Pad enemy foundation prevention removed
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to transfer items into non-downloadable servers
- Fixed a bug which would cause dinos to get stuck when using the Arctic NE teleport
- Fixed players being unable to use the bunny-hop dance
v311.302 - 06/19/2020
- Fixed an exploit
- Limited the public teleport settingspecifically for Official PvP
v311.209 - 06/18/2020
- Crystal Wyverns can now be transferred between maps
- EGS Clients can now use the favourite server feature
- Genesis Geysers no longer restore the food stat
- Fixed a bug where using the rocket launcher could propel you backwards
- Scout can no longer pushed tamed dinos
- Crystal Wyverns can now be cryopoded
- Fixed multiple mesh holes, collision issues, floating foliage, and incorrect volumes
- Fixed Tropical Wyvern from regaining health passively
- Fixed a bug where some Crystal Wyverns could not be tamed properly
v311.101 - 06/16/2020
- Fixed multiple start up crashes affecting some EGS clients
v311.100 - 06/16/2020
- Fixed Legacy Servers not showing up when transferring.
v311.99 - 06/16/2020
- Re-implementedMultihome server functionality
- Resolved some connection and start up issues with EGS clients
- Improved listing for Unofficial Servers on EGS clients
v311.97 - 06/14/2020
- Improved Unofficial server listing for EGS clients
- Unofficial hosts should make sure they're installed vc140:
v311.94 - 06/12/2020
- Additional Logging on Official Servers to identify connection and listing issues.
v311.87 - 06/12/2020
- Fixed the 'Kicked by BattlEye' disconnection error
- Fixed certain server map names not showing on the session filter
- Fixed eggs and babies being teleported to 0,0 when in stasis
v311.81 - 06/12/2020
- Fixed voice connection remnants after transferring to a different server
- Fixed language overrides on EGS
v311.79 - 06/11/2020
- Fixed Linux servers not starting up
- Fixed EGS clients not being able to connect to password protected servers
v311.78- 06/11/2020
- Disabled bRawSockets as they no longer function with the new game networking code
- Fixed a client side crash when accessing inventories
- Fixed Crystal Isles Map showing in all filters
v311.74 - 06/11/2020
- Crystal Isles free map is now available on Steam & EGS
- ARK is now available on the Epic Game Store (free forever for one week!)
For those of you running dedicated servers, here's some info you need to know:
When running a Crossplay or Epic Game Storeserver, the VOIP software will be defaultto use the Vivox, an alternative VOIP plugin. For those using Steam only, you can continue to use Steam VOIP (default)or alternatively opt into Vivox.
Necessary Server Args:
-crossplay (enables Crossplay on Dedicated Server)
-epiconly (enables Epic Game Storeonly players to connect to the Dedicated Server)
-UseVivox (enables Vivox on Steam only servers)
Running a server withmodsor without-epiconly or -crossplay will mean thatthe server will only accept player connections from Steam and not EGS.
- 5th Anniversary Event (can be started with -activeevent=birthday)
- Fixed multiple undermesh exploits
- Increased Ovis corpse harvesting scaling by 4x
- Fixed a mating range bug
- Additional server-side transfer logging
- Whisper (ALT+B) and Yell voice (Shift+B)chat have been added
v310.211 - 06/10/2020
- Added some additional exploit protection to the transfer system
v310.117 - 06/05/2020
- Fixed an incorrect kill volume on Aberration
- Fixed some incorrect meshes on Aberration
v310.80- 06/04/2020
- Initiated a one time Mindwipe COOLDOWN reset on Official Servers
- Corrupted Dinos can no longer be teleported
- Reduced scaling factor of sheep harvesting health to reduce stalls
- Set ORP activation timer to 10 seconds on Official PVE servers
v310.112 - 05/31/2020
- Fixed some cases where the login lock could be bypassed
v310.111 - 05/26/2020
- Fixed multiple level design bugs related to holes, floating foliage, and volumes.
- Made some UI improvements to the TEK Grenade Launcher and the Giant Turtle's Breath Attack
- Additional protection added to glitches on Genesis
- Fixed some bugs where XP was not being awarded properly when collecting Glitches
v310.94 - 05/20/2020
- Added additional protection to GCM,Explorer Notes, and Glitches to address potential exploits
- Fixed an over-sized pain volume on Extinction that caused players to die due to mesh detection
v310.90 - 05/15/2020
- Transfers are now enabled on Genesis and the latest Official Servers
- Titans cannot be transferred into Genesis
- Managarmr cannot be ridden on regular Genesis servers (can be ridden on flyer-allowed servers)
v310.76 - 05/09/2020
- Fixed some bugs in the transfer system
- Added additional protection to character downloads in invalid cases
v310.68 - 05/08/2020
- Fixed an oversized pain volume on Extinction
v310.67 - 05/08/2020
- Improved anti mesh detection logic
- Improved climbing pick logic to fix some meshing exploits
- Multiple level changes including patching up holes, removing floating foliage, setting up appropriate volumes
- Fixed multiple exploits that allowed you to stack creatures on top of each other
- Fixed an exploit with Magmasaur
- Prevented corrupted creatures from basing on Skiffs
- Queen Bee will no longer spawn bees when encumbered
- Queen Bee will take 3% of health as damage when a bee of hers is killed
- Queen Bee will stop spawning bees when at 10% HP
- Added additional trace checks on lightning aoe to prevent attacking through structures and mesh
- Fixed multiple server stalls
v310.62 (.61 client) - 05/01/2020
- Fixed multiple meshing exploits
- Fixed an exploit which would cause players to become invisible
- Fixed multiple server stalls
- Fixed multiple level issues including holes, floating foliage, areas where they could get stuck, and missing volumes
- Mindwipe Tonic now warns players before being consumed
- Created a cheat command to grant unlimited weight for admins (Cheat deeppockets or cheat infiniteweight)
- Lava Lizard can now be spayed or neutered
- Fixed some missing icon related to holiday emotes
- Fixed a bug which could have caused characters to fail to download
- Disabled the temporary additional server crash logging
v310.53 - 04/30/2020
- Fixed some server stalls and crashes
- Enable additional logging to identify server crashes & stalls
v310.5 - 04/29/2020
- Additional server crash and performancemonitoring heuristics
v310.47 - 04/27/2020
- Improvements to the anti dupe protection
- Retroactive fix for Valguero Ice Wyverns which were stuck as "Raptors" in cryopods. (Note: you'll still see the raptor icon until you deploy the cryopod)
- Fixed holes/floating foliage
- Resolved some anti meshing false positives
v310.41 - 04/22/2020
- End of Eggcellent Adventure.
- Enabling 2x harvest, breeding, XP and taming
- Fixed a bug with Cruise Missiles which caused them to detonate on the player firing
- Fixed a bug which prevented MEKs from attacking structures
- Fixed an exploit with the Rock Drake
- Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, floating foliage, volumes, and lighting
- Fixed multiple server crashes and server stalls
- Fixed a bug with certain creatures attacking through structure walls
- Reduced the Giant Turtle's bubble-blowing attack on when above ground
- Marked Valgeuro's Ice Golem and Chalk Golem as unable to transfer
- Valguero Ice wyvern class switched to Ragnarok Ice Wyvern
- Fixed an exploit that allowed mission creatures to be used in unintended ways
- Added additional kill volumes to unintended playable areas
- Fixed an exploit which allowed certain creatures to attack structures through walls
- Fixed a bug that could cause items to transfer back to your own inventory when transferring from personal to remote with the T key.
- Adjusted (reduced) the Thyla cost for cloning
- Fixed a bug with the grenade launcher where it sometimes wouldn't use all its ammo
v310.36 - 04/18/2020
- Additional server side protection against exploits
v310.34 - 04/16/2020
- Activated DupePrevention System on OfficialPvP servers
v310.29 - 04/15/2020
- Fixed multiple server crashes
v310.27 - 04/14/2020
- Adjusted several creatures for the prevention of mesh biting
- Fixed a crash that resulted when trying to craft an item from the hotbar
- Ferox breeding/mutation movement speed has been corrected to be consistent between small and large Ferox.
- Terrain textures have been improved on The Island in areas where it appeared to be low quality
- Improved several terrain areas in Genesis that caused players to get stuck, to be incorrectly teleported, or allowed players to unfairly exploit.
- Fixed an issue with the lighting in caves on The Island
- Fixed an exploit with turrets and ziplines
- Fixed an exploit with meshing and the cruise missile
v310.19 - 04/11/2020
- X-Dinos will now receive the Active Event Colour Override
- Increased % chance of active event colour dinos spawning from 10% to 25%
- Fertilized Eggs now have a warning when a player attempts to consume them
- Fixed an exploit that allowed you to get under the map.
v310.11 - 04/07/2020
- Added Eggcellent Adventure event content
- Fixed a bug where MEK pistol could damage players mounted on a dino
- Reduced MEK pistol damage to players by 85%
- Reduced MEK Pistol range by 25%
- Increased the amount of materials harvested by the mining drill
- TEK Shield now has a limited number of crafts (like other TEK blueprints)
- Made multiple improvements to the Hexagon Exchange UI
- Fixed a bug where releasing from a cryopod using EnableCryopodNerf would cause them to take 10x damage for the time set.
- Introduced an increase incoming damage multiplier from the cryopod-release debuff
- This can be adjusted with thecommand line/GameUserSettings.ini parameter 'CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent' where 0.25 = 25%
- This is enabled on our Official PvP servers and is set to 25% by default
- Loot crates will now automatically open when purchased if you are flying or swimming
- Prevented MEKS from being able to be stacked inside each other
- Fixed an issue with TEK durability that prevented stat capping
- Argents can no longer pick up smaller wild aggressive creatures in PvE
v309.53 - 04/03/2020
- Completed a full pass on Loot Crates to improve loot variation and quality
- Fixed 100+ holes, terrain, and level design issues across various maps
- Magamasaur no longer takes damage from lava on The Center
- Fixed a mounting exploit with Magamasaur
- Fixed an issue with Dedicated storage locking behavior on PvE (Players could withdraw items when it was "locked")
- Fixed a bug that allowed building within the boss arena on Valguero
- Made several collision improvements for meshes on Aberration
- Added a debuff to reduce damage to tames, players, structures for a short duration of time after releasing from cryo.
This can be configured on unofficial servers by using the following command line/GameUserSettings.ini parameters:
EnableCryopodNerf, CryopodNerfDuration, and CryopodNerfDamageMult
Where CryopodNerfDamageMult=0.01 means 99% of the damage is removed. This will be enabled on our Official PvPServers with a 90% reduction for 10 seconds.
- Parasaurs no longer detect bodies that are not visible or rendered
- Fixed several missing notifications on gather, retrieve, basketball, hunt, and escort missions
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Ferox to clip inside enemy structures
- Ferox can no longer be trapped with a bola
- Reduced the amount of element received by Red Crystals on Genesis by 33%
- Increased the amount of materials harvested by the mining drill by 33%
- Players recover 50% faster from the frozen state left by the Snow Owl dive
- Removed the Snow Owl heal effect on enemy players and enemy-tamed creatures (wild creatures are still affected)
- Snow Owl dive slow has been reduced to 2.5 seconds
- Fixed a bug where Ferox Stats were being rerolled after first time transforming
- Prevented itchy from stealing cryopods
v309.44 - 04/01/2020
- Fixed a turret exploit with the Space Whale
v309.42 - 03/30/2020
- Fixed a server crash
- Fixed multiple cases where the Bloodstalker couldn't swing around Extinction
- Fixed some configuration issues with the dynamic rates ini on non-standard official servers
v309.4 - 03/26/2020
- Fixed an issue with collision on several meshes
- Fixed several mesh holes in various biomes
- Improved hover skiff movement and operation on steep terrain
- Fixed a damage exploit with Ferox
- Ferox should now keep its imprint buff when in large form
- Reduced cloning cost for the Giant Turtle
- Improved HLNA performance when crafting a large number of items
- Teleporting East in the Bog biome will no longer transport the player South East
- Insect swarms now give chitin instead of hide
- Modified the no-build zone in the main volcano cave
- Adjusted the trajectory of lunar comets to prevent edge cases of players and dinos dying
- Fixed a rare case where the mining drill could damage the tek sensor
- Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the tek alarm
- Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the pressure plate
- The lava on The Island in caves and the lava in the Wyvern trench on S.E. will no longer damage Magmasaur
- Improved localization on the Rockwell boss fight and end cutscene
- Cryopods can be accessed in the HLNA Shop again
- Enabled several performance-related visual tweaks on wild Astrocetus
- Improved the accuracy of HLNA cardinal direction when teleporting
- HLNA teleportation logic now tries to avoid turrets, non-allied players, and hostile dinos
- Fixed an exploit with cruise missiles that allowed them to bypass turrets
- Improved several visual components of the mission UI (difficulty text, leaderboards, item lists, mission notifications)
- Made adjustments in areas near the volcano to fix rare instances where eruptions would instantly kill players/dinos
- Significantly reduced the frequency and slightly increased the duration of green rain in the bog biome
- Reduced the number of insect swarms in Bog biome by about 25%
- Added a cooldown between green rain insect swarm spawns.
- Fixed an edge case that caused the player to be destroyed when mounting an Equus and equipping its saddle
- Increased the placement radius check for ocean platforms to prevent them from being placed next to enemy foundations/platforms
- Prevented Meks from being deployed in the VR Mission
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving the mission buff in specific biomes (Bog/Ocean/Arctic)
- Fixed the increased damage multiplier in various biomes
- Reduced the bat spawns in the main volcano within the volcano biome
v307.8 - 03/24/2020
- Fixed an issue that would prevent players connecting to OC servers
- Re-enabled configuration to prevent Reapers from being transferred to Genesis.
v307.7 - 3/22/2020
- Fixed a bug which prevented the Moeder boss fight from initiating correctly
v307.59 - 3/21/2020
- Fixed a bug which prevent players from seeing Primitive+ servers
- Fixed an issue with crafting costs on TEK items
v307.56 - 3/20/2020
PvP Official Server Wipe for the following:
- TEK Suits (Chest, Leggings, Helm, Gauntlets, and Boots)
- MEKs (MEK Attachments & Ammo included)
- Cluster Grenades
Official Server Genesis wipe for the following:
- Tamed Reapers
Note:Any tamed MEK or Reaper that was in a cryopod now cannot be spawned when deploying that cryopod. You can either let it expire, or throw them out.
TEK Suits:
- Increased TEK Suit repair costs by approximately 20%
- Wearing a full TEK suit will prevent you from being targeted by bees when opening a bee hive
- Capped TEK Suit durability at 1500
- TEK Suit repair costs now scale with quality
- Pistol Damage versus Tamed Creatures reduced by 30%
- MEK Rocket Boost (tapping/holding space) should no longer damage tamed creatures or players.
- Reduce MEK movement speed by 20% when shield is up
- Sword Damage versus Tamed Creatures and Players reduced by 25%
Bog Spider Balance Changes:
- Reduced the range at which it can grapple an enemy to just slightly below maximum auto turret range (5800 units)
Pelagornis Balance Changes:
- Polymer weight reduced by 80% when in Pelagornis inventory
- Increased polymer harvesting by approximately 30%
- Decreased the maximum damage scale from 12.5x to 8x when charging
- Increased the time/distance it takes to charge up to max by 20% (so it'll take longer to hit that 8x)
- Rhinos are now affected by Plant Y crowd control
Cluster Grenades:
- Cluster fragments if shot by a turret will now detonate all other fragments from the same originating grenade
- Can now craft the TEK Replicator (TEK Replicator has been removed from Loot Crates in Genesis)
- Initiated a one-time forced respec of all characters on Official Servers
- Initiated a one-time forced mindwipe cooldown clearance of all characters on Official Servers
- Added a "Grind All" function added to grinders
- Added an optional visual indicator for the TEK trough radius
- Note: This setting is defaulted to OFF. Also it does not save, meaning it must be turned on if you leave stasis range. This will be resolved in a future update
- Gachas will no longer auto consume buff soup/food. This means they won't accidentally eat them when they're stored in troughs.
- Disabled cryosickness on PvE Official Servers (Can be disabled on Unofficials using: EnableCryoSicknessPVE=true in the GameUserSettings.ini)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to cancel the Spinos' animation and attack twice.
- Fixed multiple bugs related to locations showing Mission Areas when they weren't supposed to or vice versa
v307.43 - 3/17/2020
- Fixed an invulnerability exploit
307.42 3/16/2020
- Fixed an invulnerability exploit for ferox
- Fixed cooldown time for the mindwipe
- Fixed an infrequent server crash
v307.4 3/13/2020
- Fixed a crash related to the bog spider
v307.2 3/13/2020
- Adjusted Ferox knockback distance for PvE scenarios in which it could move other tribes tames
- Increase to timers on various beta and alpha race missions
- Fixed instances where the lunar buff would remain after using a TEK Teleporter
- Fixed a rare occurrence where Ferox could jump through the mesh or get through the world barrier
- Fixed a bug where Ferox could jump while over-encumbered
- Fixed a bug that caused Ferox taming meter to be invisible
- Corrected Ferox size when attached with the Sarco's barrel roll
- Removed the ability for BloodStalker to grab and pull forest/desert kaiju
- Improved navigation issues on Escort Missions
- Removed the Crab's ability to pick up the Dodo-basketball
- Improved reliabilty of HLNA teleportation when traveling with tames
- Fixed several taming effectiveness and taming multiplier bugs with BloodStalker and Giant Turtle
- Fixed a case where Space Whale could blink behind static meshes
- Fixed a bug with Ferox that allowed it to stay transformed by forcefeeding
- Fixed an issue with mindwipes that caused them to have an increased cooldown timer
- Adjusted platform saddles to prevent cheesing Gauntlet MissionsCHECK
- Removed the ability to place structures on baby turtles
- Fixed an instance in which tamed dinos would be launched long distances by avalanches
- Adjusted the loot quality and rewards on several missions
- Improved the overall feel and appearance when webbed by BloodStalker
- Fixed a visual bug with the Space Whale saddle that caused skins to remain on when the saddle is removed
- Adjusted the Giant Turtles basing logic to prevent extreme use cases
- Reduced mobility for BloodStalker while over-encumbered
- Fixed a bug where the Giant Turtle could be tamed out of render distance
- Improved placement of walls when using an Ocean Platform
- Fixed an instance where players with glide suits weren't being reeled in properly by BloodStalker
- Removed the ability to apply a skin to the Giant Turtle and Space Whale platform saddle when structures have been placed
- Fixed an instance where the mining drill could dismount players
- Fixed occurences where players could incorrectly get inside of Gauntlet missions
- Creatures can no longer attack through the barrier while on Gauntlet missions
- Added Deinonychus saddle to the engrams list
- Fixed a visual bug with the Hover Skiff rotation when restarting the server
- Improved performance while riding over rocky terrain on the Hover Skiff
- Fixed a bug with Ferox taming methods
- Fixed an instance in which the BloodStalker's web could remain attached after teleporting with HLNA
- Fixed a rare occurrence where the Dodo Basketball mission could not be completed after switching languages
- Fixed several visual bugs with HLNA teleportation
- Fixed a bug that prevented players using gamepads from using the throw attack on Karkinos
- Fixed an issue that caused a Follow whistle command when holding 'B' on a gamepad
- Added the ability to use the Reaper tailspin attack while using a gamepad
- Schools of fish no longer damage rafts and motorboats
- Improved several areas where localization was missing or incorrectly
- Fixed an occurrence where the mining drill sound would remain playing after mounting a dinos
- Fixed instances with damage scaling while using weapons with projectiles
- Added several missing items to the HLNA Hexagon Store
- Removed the ability to give birth to Reapers while on Genesis
- Fixed a rare bug that caused recent mission progress to be lost after a server restart
- Added a HUD notification during the VR Boss fight to indicate you've reached the limit
- Fixed a bug that caused the Space Whale corpse to disappear after 1 hit
- Increased the reliability of repairing glitches
- Basilisks can now be tamed on Fertilized Magmasaur Eggs
- Fixed several mesh holes
- Improved turrets ability to damage cruise missiles in low FPS settings
- Improved several visual components in the Mission UI
- Fixed a bug that prevented several Aberration dinos from being downloaded on Genesis
- Fixed occurrences where Magmasaur could damage structures out of turret range
Current Version: 306.89 3/11/2020
- Fixed an exploit with Ferox
v306.88 3/10/2020
- Fixed several performance-related crashes
Current Version: 306.87 3/9/2020
- Fixed an exploit
v306.86 3/6/2020
- Magmasaur now requires metal ingots to shoot projectiles
- Magmasaur projectile speed and gravity adjusted for proper turret targeting in low FPS conditions
v306.84 - 3/5/2020
- Fixed an exploit with Ferox
- Fixed adisplay bug with the Hexagon Shop
v306.83 - 3/4/2020
- PVE caves on genesis mare now arked non-buildable
- Theice cave on genesis is now marked non-buildable on PvP
- Fixedincorrect damage for building in Arctic and Ocean biome
- Fixed implementation of newly added Genesis configuration settings
- Disabled XP on Gauntlet missions
- Some TEK suit abilities have been disabled on regular Genesis servers
- GameUserSettings.ini:
- AllowTekSuitPowersInGenesis=True (to enable or disable TEK suit powers in Genesis)
- Game.ini:
- bDisableGenesisMissions=true (to enable or disable missions on Genesis)
- Temporarily reduced affinity needed to tame Bloodstalker until further tweaks can come in later
We are investigating ways to bring these configuration options to consoles in a future update.
- Fixed a bug where Pelas and Itchys would fly to xyz coordinates 0 0 0
- Fixed a bug where players could attack each other with the mining drill
- Fixed a bug where items may have received an unintended item cap
- Item and Creature transfers have been enabled outside of Genesis
- Temporarily added TEK Replicators to the Loot Crates until they can be better placed on the map
- Fixed a critical crash
- Removed mission requirement for additional players when entering the final boss with a player who has the requirements.
- Set kapro race to use "Teleport Out of Bounds" functionality
- Fixed space whale's display name
- Cruise missile now has a 2.55s arming period ("Arming Duration") before it can do it's nuke explosion
- If Cruise missile is destroyed or detonated before then, it now does a harmless explosion
- Reduced Tek Claw damage against structures
- Fixed player emote specific to Portugese language setting
- Fixed certain languages not finding appropriate directories
- Basketball Missions rewards should now match their intended reward returns
- Reduced high quality tier loot drop rate from missions by approximately 40%
- Changed ocean platforms to be Blueprints only in mission rewards (to prevent demolishing rewards for materials)
- Increased damage to insect swarms by Beelzebufo to 2.5x
- Increased damage to insect swarms by Fire to 1.5x
- Reduced health of insect swarms by 50%
- Reduced AoE damage on the tek cruise missle
- Reduced the explosion radius and explosion emitter size on the tek cruise missle
- Fixed issue where insect swarms could attack through walls
- Fixed an issue with Megachelon (turtle) taming method
- Restricted cryo use and disabled building in the VR boss arena
- Fixed an issue where rock slides would linger after ending
- Fixed several visual bugs with Magmasaur
- Fixed several visual bugs with Space Whale
- Fixed several bugs with the Ferox taming process
- You must now hold the sprint key with the Ferox when super jumping. In order to super jump, just jump again + shift right before landing after a regular jump.
- Bloodstalker can no longer be knocked out
- Ambergris weight now scales by 0.5 in Magmasaur to help with raising babies
- Adjusted the platform build area on the Megachelon
- Fixed a taming bug with the Bloodstalker
- Fixed a crash with Extinction's horde crate and element node
- Restored Extinction Horde mode data
- Fixed some bugs which caused projectiles to not expire on clients
v306.53 - 2/26/20
- Building is now enabled in mission areas by default on Unofficial Servers (no longer need to use the aforementioned ini to change it)
- To disable building in mission areas, add the following setting to your Game.ini under the ShooterGameMode section: bGenesisUseStructuresPreventionVolumes=true
- Unofficials can now using flying creatures by adding the following setting to your GameUserSettings.ini under the [ServerSettings] section: bForceCanRideFliers=True